Data Realms Fan Forums

Suggestion: Vehicle?
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Author:  DarkJee [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Suggestion: Vehicle?

Hey guys!

I got an idea that would be amazing in cortex command, vehicles, but not something impossible to implement:

First you would need a heavy transport Craft, like, a tank or walker attached below the transport craft like that (For sure that would not be a Pelican(The Halo transport Ship) but a futurist Craft like the others in CC):

and the vehicle would come without any crew, and you have to put a guy in the land vehicle.
When you select the vehicle to control it and there is nobody in it, you can just open and close door to put a guy in it, just like in the new build where you can open the Craft's door and put things back in it.

The vehicles would be expensive (lets say around 500 Gold) and would be really good armored (more than Aircraft, else it would be useless...)

Well, guys what are you thinking of it?

Author:  numgun [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

This would rock hard and if I was the one coding it, I'd make sure there'd be vehicles and transport craft that can deliver other vehicles.

I dunno, but it certainly isnt gonna come soon I think.
Mainly we gotta finish the infantry side of the game and add the remaining factions with basic stuff (Infantry units, guns, tools ect.) and then move on to heavy armor.

This is mainly because such contraptions might require a whole new class for vehicles I bet, since implementing something like a craft that can carry objects externally will require some new code.

Author:  Disst [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

thats a pelican and scorpion from halo. it would be cool, but quite a few PC gamers hate halo

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

I'm an Xbox lover myself, and I love Halo. It was my first game. Well Halo 3 at least.

Author:  Duh102 [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

Bladecat4 wrote:
It was my first game. Well Halo 3 at least.

You missed the era when Halo was still good. Now it's been overextended.

You know, if you made the vehicle an attachable that gibbed into the real vehicle when detached it would work fine now (though it wouldn't rotate independently, but that would be fine in most cases).

Author:  CandleJack [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

They're too big to get inside bunkers and not having a jetpack severely limits their mobility on the battlefield.

Author:  numgun [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

3POK_PHALE wrote:
thats a pelican and scorpion from halo. it would be cool, but quite a few PC gamers hate halo

That pelican is just a ♥♥♥♥ concept of the idea goddamit.
This thread is not related with halo at all, he just shows an example how it would work.

@CandleJack: Shut up and quit being so close-minded. AAL has a tank and a mech, do they fit in the bunkers? No. But are they awesome? Hell yes.

Author:  DarkJee [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

numgun wrote:
That pelican is just a fudge concept of the idea goddamit.
This thread is not related with halo at all, he just shows an example how it would work.

@CandleJack: Shut up and quit being so close-minded. AAL has a tank and a mech, do they fit in the bunkers? No. But are they awesome? Hell yes.

Thanks numgun =D
Exactly what I was thinking :)

Its only a screenshot to show the concept.
And the tank/walker/land vechicle doesn't have absolutely to get inside the bunker and maybe their mobility would be low, but its still possible, like just a little jetpack below the vehicle just to say that they can go over little obstacle or I don't know...

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

CandleJack wrote:
They're too big to get inside bunkers and not having a jetpack severely limits their mobility on the battlefield.

Honestly, what's the point?
Well yeah not having a jetpack makes them immobilized, but they are absolute killing machines.
And not fitting in bunkers is A-OK with me, because outside, things may actually have a chance at survival, but inside, the said "things" are practically dead unless they're quick or they have a huge invincible shield (I highly doubt that though).

@DarkJee - Like putting units on a vehicle to pilot/drive it?

Author:  Prusselusken [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

3POK_PHALE wrote:
thats a pelican and scorpion from halo. it would be cool, but quite a few PC gamers hate halo

A few? :-?

Author:  Geti [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

Everyone likes big vehicles. I'd like there to be vehicles that require a unit inside them to function but im not really sure how much sense it makes in the CC universe outside of the ronin faction, because everything else is assumably barely sentient, and under the influence of a brain that controls everything through electronics (the kind that could be fitted to a vehicle aswell, assuming the mechanics behind the vehicle where engineered with this in mind).
i'd love some walker mechs in CC regardless though, just cause it would be ♥♥♥♥ AWESOME. i might make one anyway, with a gibable attachable "person" inside of it, if i get time..

Author:  tb87670 [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

A thought about vehicles. Why use a mind-controlled body to manually hop in and control a vehicle when you can simply fit the same remote-mind-control device in the vehicle? If a crash dummy is big enough for these remote device a tank is surely big enough.

Another thought, to keep vehicles from sinking too much into softer sand and dirt wouldn't it be necessary to make the treads wide enough to support the weight? This could also bring in combat engineering, which I am tinkering with. Say you got a few boulders in the way an some sand on the ground. Get a dummy with a digger to flatten out the boulders and use a concrete gun to make a 'highway'. Only problem I encountered so far with a concrete gun is the burrs they make but skill and practice allows people to overlook that. This would add another element to CC, that combat engineering takes time and makes it worth it when you can knock on the front door of a bunker with an uber-tank instead of hand weapons!

Now we just gotta think of how to drop in vehicles reliably, a large dropship that has extra engines maybe, but it needs superb balance as each vehicle might have different shapes and weight. Still overall this is a great idea to implement later as an expansion.

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

We already have a way:
Lands before it drops, so no impact damage. Big enough to carry ANYTHING. and explodes spectacularly, so if you need a weapon fast...

Author:  Grif [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

numgun wrote:
@CandleJack: Shut up and quit being so close-minded. AAL has a tank and a mech, do they fit in the bunkers? No. But are they awesome? Hell yes.

Lovin' that modesty there.

Author:  Bullion [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestion: Vehicle?

It took a while for me to get the joke :oops:

And would it be possible to have a winch feature? A short, unbreakable "rope" from the vehicle to the specialized dropship

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