Data Realms Fan Forums

mod naming conventions: a plea
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Author:  piezo [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  mod naming conventions: a plea

Hi guys, i've noticed particularly with the recent round of actors being created that tend not to work together. Usually a head from a different actor gets used instead of the intended etc.

I love using tons of mods, so I would love it if those mods actually worked side by side. I think a lot of these problems are coming about due to poor naming choices for the various objects that are being defined e.g. the head, the arm, etc.

I have no idea why someone is deciding they will name the head part of their actor "Head" when it should be fairly obvious that other people may do the same (and with the blank actor template out, this is even more likely). For example, the Megaman X actor mod defines each part of the actor using very generic names i.e. Head, FG Arm. Which incidently the Halo 2 spartan mod does as well. Running both mods means you end up with a frankstein's megaman spartan since CC will try to assemble the actor from identically named, yet intrinsically different components.

A better name for the objects in the above case would be Megaman X Head, Megaman X FG Arm, etc.

Anyways, please, please, use fairly unique names for the objects creation calls to avoid duplication of objects (and unpredictable results). If we can do this, all our more mods can be used together. Thanks for listening.

note: This applies to guns, ammos, etc as well of course

Author:  ToonyMan [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I just add the name of the object to the begging or end of it. :P I'm fine!

Author:  Data [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

We're planning to fix this issue with some kind of namespace-like implementation to insulate data modules from each other. It'll solve all this in one fell swoop.

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