Data Realms Fan Forums

Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?
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Author:  TwiiK [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Hi everyone, I discovered Cortex Command a couple of years ago and really liked the concept, but found it too rough to be enjoyable. I then forgot about it and rediscovered it now.

I absolutely love the basic principle of the game, but I'm still unsure what to do with it. I've browsed these forums some now and read that there will never be lan or internet play. Does this mean you guys actually play splitscreen or do you just play against the AI?

Judging from the amount of posts in the mod making sections of the forum is it safe to assume a lot of you just use this game as a sandbox for creating weird and wacky things similar to Garry's Mod for Half-life?

VS the AI this game gets old pretty fast in my mind, the AI plays straight forward and goes directly for your brain, it doesn't have a base of its own and you end up just trying to survive for as long as possible, which isn't that fun because the number of opponents never seem to increase.

VS a human opponent I could see this being a whole other story with big bases, tactical gameplay, mining gold etc, but with no network or internet play how do you do it? Do you have multiple keyboards and mice connected to one computer? Or do you play with game controllers? And who has friends over to play games splitscreen on the pc in this day and age? It's all about teamspeak/ventrilo internet play is it not? :)

I apologize if this question gets asked a lot around here, but I'm just curious as to what you spend your time on in Cortex Command.

Author:  Geti [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

TwiiK wrote:
Judging from the amount of posts in the mod making sections of the forum is it safe to assume a lot of you just use this game as a sandbox for creating weird and wacky things similar to Garry's Mod for Half-life?
zing! a lot of players mod the game to their liking, and then i suppose play with it.

third party multiplayer might happen, but wait for it ;) if you have beasty upload and download i suppose you could do it now, but i mean really really good.

quite a few people play with friends, me and a few mates dont play multiplayer but instead just rotate around on it until we get bored (20 min-2 hours). yes, CC is still a tad (who am i kidding, quite a bit) rough, but its becoming a lot more fun as it gathers momentum (as it has been the last year or so). now the physics of everything is pretty much there, the game is getting some fun put into it.

im interested in what others post, however, i havnt seen one of these before.

oh, and welcome.

Author:  Ultric [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

TwiiK wrote:
VS the AI this game gets old pretty fast in my mind, the AI plays straight forward and goes directly for your brain, it doesn't have a base of its own and you end up just trying to survive for as long as possible, which isn't that fun because the number of opponents never seem to increase.

If you haven't played B22, I suggest you do that now. Incredible developments have set in, plus whoever was coding the weapons decided to seriously up some of the power in most of the weapons.
TwiiK wrote:
VS a human opponent I could see this being a whole other story with big bases, tactical gameplay, mining gold etc, but with no network or internet play how do you do it? Do you have multiple keyboards and mice connected to one computer? Or do you play with game controllers? And who has friends over to play games splitscreen on the pc in this day and age? It's all about teamspeak/ventrilo internet play is it not? :)

Due to crazy reasons, I can't ever find someone who wants to play me. I like to do this the most, but I usually vs the AI.

If this is meant to be like a tactic thread, then here are mine.
I pick a nice map and make a basic base and drop Data somewhere in it. I'll give him a balanced weapon like the instagib rifle (How fragile it is makes up for the power) and go on a rampage. It's actually pretty hard.
Other times, I'll go to zombie cave, take a UniTec Night Ops soldier, give him a cage gum, a very heavy digger and one unitec weapon. I repeat ordering them as needed until I run out, at which point I declare I've lost. Putting up cages on zombie cave is quite fun and adds an element of difficulty.
Finally, when I'm absolutely bored, I'll find a map that repeats on the X axis, set up a sniper tower, put data in it with numgun's barette and go to town.
Other times, I'll go to an MP3 place and see how long I can survive with Data.

Data became very killable in this build.

Author:  Inuyashe [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Personally, I find just shooting stuff insane fun!

I once just stood with an Occulus unit (DSTech) on the watch tower in maginot for two whole hours, just shooting dropships and watching dummies get crushed.
When doors of doom hit me, I laughed. I really did.

Author:  adasx10 [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Inuyashe wrote:
Personally, I find just shooting stuff insane fun!

I once just stood with an Occulus unit (DSTech) on the watch tower in maginot for two whole hours, just shooting dropships and watching dummies get crushed.
When doors of doom hit me, I laughed. I really did.

shooting stuff and shooting dropships for two whole hours is fun.
Sadly but that’s what I do in Cortex Command.

Author:  TwiiK [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

I'm playing the demo of build 22. Last time I played the game it was free, but I may just have to buy it now I guess. :)

Many, many years ago it wasn't hard to find people to play Liero with on the same computer, but it's not as easy to get someone over to play a game these days. :)

I see why you find just shooting stuff fun because it really is. It's like when I made a mod for Crysis and added stuff like tracers and gravity to the bullets and then created my own weapons I would just go around shooting stuff by myself for hours.

I've played the demo for a couple of hours now and I can see that the game has come a long way since the last time I tried it. I still find the physics affected walking to be very weird and clumsy, but I guess that's something you just have to get used to.

Author:  GopherLemming [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

TwiiK wrote:
but it's not as easy to get someone over to play a game these days. :)

Try putting CC on a laptop and taking it to work! 4 player tournaments AND avoiding work is a dream come true.

TwiiK wrote:
I still find the physics affected walking to be very weird and clumsy

I never found the walking that bad. It does need polishing, but that will happen eventually...

Author:  tons0phun [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

I can relate to what you're talking about, to a fair extent.

I've got just two game controllers myself, and only a handful of my gamer friends have held onto interest for Cortex Command. Others say,
"Damn near everything kills my guy, even walking uphill is hazardous"
"It's cool, but it's too hard to control my guy with a controller than with the keyboard and mouse"

And these things are true. I myself usually have a bit of fun playing CC just experimenting with different types of bunker lay-outs, new mods people put out, and just seeing what kind of havoc takes place in my game.

But always, always I wish I could play this game with all my friends (with keyboard + mouse), and with people from these forums. It always comes back to this, because it is hard to get people together for games now. Two of my best gamer friends live at different corners of the city, and they're about to go active in the Coast Guard. Another of my gamer friends is only ever in town for a month at a time lately, and then he's off in another city attending college. My girlfriend doesn't want to play it with me because it's either us fighting endless AI (which she grows dull of more quickly than myself), or we have to fight each other and she knows I'll demolish her (since she'll get a clumsy controller, and I'll be guiding rockets into her with precision).

Which is why it disheartened me a bit to see their response to multiplayer,
But I think a multiplayer feature would be a boon to the growth of Cortex Command and its fanbase. From what I've observed, introducing multiplayer to this game would either mean a nightmarish mess of networking, or a sacrifice of features that can be included. With that in mind, the longer any kind of multiplayer is held off, the harder it becomes to implement, and the less likely it becomes.

If there's no LAN capability by build 30 or so, then CC will be joining my games such as Aliens versus Predator 2, and Die By the Sword. :-(

Author:  Duh102 [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

tons0phun wrote:
If there's no LAN capability by build 30 or so, then CC will be joining my games such as Aliens versus Predator 2, and Die By the Sword. :-(

It's possible now. You have to use a funny method, but it works.

Author:  tons0phun [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Duh102 wrote:
It's possible now. You have to use a funny method, but it works.

I mean LAN in such a manner that I could use Hamachi with it, and thus just straight into online play.

Author:  Geti [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

you can attempt online play if you have a really beefy internet connection.
anyway, as i said, 3rd party multiplayer can still happen.

Author:  Orglar [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

I test the AI's intelligence and make Labyrinth maze bases or just try to test the AI to it's limits. I took away their diggers so now instead of sitting around giggling in a slowly forming tunnel they try to enter my base through the door and try to rush me. Shook's Weapon Pack aids me greatly in defending my brain. :P

Author:  deathbal101 [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

multiplayer = + one trillion sales. its just that awesome.

Author:  Foa [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Oh yeah, there was spike in happiness when the Apples got their pie, and that was after we got Lua, limited use but, the big Users know how to, erm, abuse it.

I am a professional Brain Wrestler ( in the older and free-er content times, there was a BW tournament ) , basically you just body slam.
The AI are masters at it, they can do suplexes, 'counter' you ( I tried to do a hard hit, but somehow they threw me away spinning ) .

Author:  411570N3 [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gameplay - What do you do in Cortex Command?

Due to my lack of full version (T_T you just wait $18 over the internet...) i just figure out funny ways to kill the tutorial base... I found one fun way was taking the Bear Federation Exoskeleton thingos +100 Anti-mass (courtesy of numgun) and just crashing them one after the other into the base whilst trying to simultaneously shoot the dummys that survived long enough to pick up the seemingly crashproof weapons...

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