Data Realms Fan Forums

Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming
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Author:  Omega2 [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

Hello, hello! Long time lurker, here! :)

I've been following CC on and off for quite a while now, but it only got me truly hooked when proper mouse/joypad aiming was implemented. So, after a few months, I finally got my hands on an X-Box controller (mostly to play emulated games) and immediately tried to play CC with it. Got stuck with a couple problems, though:

- When using the Dualshock-style controls, aiming left/right works normally and the targetting line goes as far as it's supposed to, but aiming up and down is a lot clunkier. It only goes up/down about three or four clone heights, making my targetting line's trajectory look like a really weird ellipse instead of a circle. In the end, it makes it a harder to aim at anything that's not exactly to the left or the right of the actor. Is there any way to fix vertical aiming on the PS2/X-Box controllers?

- When using the SNES-style controls (without analogs), the game plays fine but there isn't an option for crouching, and using the wheel-menu is almost impossible. I can only point Up, Left, Bottom-Left, Bottom, Right and Upper-Right, leaving the Buy Menu and the Patrol and Mining AI behaviours inaccessible. How can I set a key for Crouching? Is there a way to fix the wheel-menu?

- Related to the previous issues, is there any documentation on how to do keybindings manually? The Wiki was of no help, and I've only found a couple posts about it on the forum.

- Lastly, a suggestion (please disregard if already suggested): how about adding an optional aiming method for mouse and joystick control schemes? Instead of using the current actor-relative system, this new system would use a more Abuse-like (or Soldat-like, but I like Abuse more) aiming mechanics. Add a discreet aiming reticle, like the one you get when moving the mouse around with the "next/previous body" button pressed, and make the actor's gun always point in that direction. Sharp aiming would be activated automatically when immobile, drawing the targetting line the same way it works now. Just being able to see where your mouse is pointing at, without having to guess so much, would make the game a lot easier to pick up and play.

Yes, I recognize the game isn't finished yet, but the control interfaces are about the only thing keeping me from enjoying the game fully (and buying it just to get rid of that 5-minute time limit). Huge thanks for releasing the Mac version, too! Running CC over VMWare Fusion is harsh!

Thanks for your time. :)

EDIT: wasn't sure if this belonged to the Support forum or not, so I posted it on General (also due to the suggestion). Please move it if needed.

Author:  Geti [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

whoa! you seamlessly virtualised CC with VMWare. that would be harsh. wow.
now, i dont use controllers, but i wouldnt be surprised if you could access the buy menu by pressing left and up at the same time on the D-pad when playing "snes" style. there is little documentation on doing keybindings manually, but i suppose if you knew the input number of each key you could edit settings.ini (where all your bindings are stored) and place them in.
sleep time, hope this was helpful.

Author:  Omega2 [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

Geti wrote:
whoa! you seamlessly virtualised CC with VMWare. that would be harsh. wow.

Let's just say that, using the lowest resolution and 2X mode, it ran like a narcoleptic slug on molasses in absolutely no hurry to get anywhere. Of course, I used to play it on my old PC, and still play it at work (webdesign rocks!). :P

Geti wrote:
now, i dont use controllers, but i wouldnt be surprised if you could access the buy menu by pressing left and up at the same time on the D-pad when playing "snes" style. there is little documentation on doing keybindings manually, but i suppose if you knew the input number of each key you could edit settings.ini (where all your bindings are stored) and place them in.
sleep time, hope this was helpful.

I think I've tried that already (at work right now), but I need to check. Since it only has controls for "aiming up/down" and "walk left/right", it might be getting confused by something. I've checked the settings.ini file and it seemed to have entries for diagonal movements as well as vertical/horizontal. Why the game didn't set them already, I have no idea.

My question on manual keybinding was exactly that: I need to know the parameters to put in the .ini file so I could, for example, bind one of the buttons to crouch when in SNES mode.

Author:  undertech [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

Strange, I just used the Xbox (360) controller and I have no issues with vertical aiming. The targeting line goes up just as far as it does left or right. Maybe you need to recalibrate your analog sticks.

Author:  weevil [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

I'm playing on a mac at the moment with a Wii Remote and Osculator. It's a bit experimental at the moment, and I haven't tried adding in the nunchuck or any of the tilt/accelerometers, just the buttons on the main remote. I haven't had the problem you described with the menu however, I can cycle through the options directionally using the d-pad.

Author:  Omega2 [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joypad issues / Non-relative aiming

Mhm, interesting. Does anyone know how to recalibrate joysticks on MacOSX? Or a good program for it? Because it just feels natural to play CC with a joystick, barring those weird problems in either control scheme.

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