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A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others
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Author:  Kill coDer [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others



I saw a picture with the caption, "the result of a 9 hour ai vs ai battle".

How would I go about creating an AI vs AI battle. Or an AI vs Me vs another AI sort of thing.

If that is possible, would it be possible to turn it into a screensaver?


When I play a skirmish, there are only a few enemies coming at a time, even on the "death" mode. Is there anyway to have, like an army try to storm my base?


Is there a me vs AI gamemode where the enemy builds a fort as well and I have to try to destroy their brain?

I am well versed with Garry's Mod's Lua and I'm assuming CC wouldn't be much different, and I am using build 22.

Thanks for your help! :)

Author:  venn177 [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

Gotta get to this before someone else does:

It's Lua, not LUA.

Author:  Chamyky [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

Kill coDer wrote:
…How would I go about creating an AI vs AI battle. Or an AI vs Me vs another AI sort of thing…

The creator of the picture was Data himself, he achieved that by directly modifying Cortex Command. However, I believe this is possible to do with some Lua.

Kill coDer wrote:
…If that is possible, would it be possible to turn it into a screensaver?…

I think that you would need the sources. Which you can't get.
Additionally, this screen saver wouldn't really save anything: it would fill up you RAM at its startup (which would be as long as CC's), and then load your processor at its maximum potential during its execution, thus making your fans go wild (like Data's fans at each release, by the way).
Anyway that would be a cool idea!

Kill coDer wrote:
…When I play a skirmish, there are only a few enemies coming at a time, even on the "death" mode. Is there anyway to have, like an army try to storm my base?…

You can modify the max spawn rate in the Activities.ini file located in Missions.rte.

Kill coDer wrote:
…Is there a me vs AI gamemode where the enemy builds a fort as well and I have to try to destroy their brain?

I am well versed with Garry's Mod's LUA and I'm assuming CC wouldn't be much different, and I am using build 22.

Thanks for your help! :)

An IA "building its base" would be long to program. That's, obviously, possible, but it would be alot of coding. What you can easily do with Lua however is just inverting the situation — you attacking, the IA defending. But *you* would be required to build a base.

Author:  Kill coDer [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

Chamyky wrote:
I think that you would need the sources. Which you can't get.
Additionally, this screen saver wouldn't really save anything: it would fill up you RAM at its startup (which would be as long as CC's), and then load your processor at its maximum potential during its execution, thus making your fans go wild (like Data's fans at each release, by the way).
Anyway that would be a cool idea!

It's not supposed to be practical, the only true screensaver is one that turns off the monitor. (Which is what I do now..)

Chamyky wrote:
You can modify the max spawn rate in the Activities.ini file located in Missions.rte.


Chamyky wrote:
An IA "building its base" would be long to program. That's, obviously, possible, but it would be alot of coding. What you can easily do with Lua however is just inverting the situation — you attacking, the IA defending. But *you* would be required to build a base.

By the AI building the base, I mean I wouldn't care if it just used premade ones. I was just wondering if someone else had already done it..

Author:  Squeegy Mackpy [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

That AI vs. AI is easy to do. No modifications required unless you're talking about your own team deliveries aswell. - (which would be kicking rad)

Just set up a bunker, with some defenders, give them guns, and point them in the right direction.

Then, while playing, leave everybody at a suitable sentry point and select your brain, so that all of the other actors are working by themselves. At this point, you can either hold q to spectate, go to sleep or do something else for a while, then come back to see the result in a few hours.

I'd say thats most likely what Data did.

Author:  NeoSeeker [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

i would like a 1 vs 1 vs 1 gamemode with 2 ai's against each other and you.

Author:  Aspect [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A few questions about ai vs ai battles, waves and others

I really just want more than 2 teams. A free for all mode? Perhaps AI swarm vs one team of 2 and 2 teams of 1 mode?

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