Data Realms Fan Forums

Some suggested tweaks to do with dropships and rockets
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Author:  Squeegy Mackpy [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Some suggested tweaks to do with dropships and rockets

Rocket MKI engines arent strong enough. Even while only carrying 2 soldiers with shotguns, from the top of the map to the ground, holding W down all the way, it still accelerates downwards, and if it lands on hard ground it's guaranteed to explode. This isn't so much of a problem for the player's sake, as you can use the pulsing exploit to lift almost any load. But ofcourse, the AI doesn't do this and simply prays that if they give a constant thrust they'll make it down safely. Giving the rockets a stronger constant force when holding W would probably cut down in alot of the clumsy AI accidents. about 1 out of 5 times you open the zombie cave level that rocket crashes and explodes. </3

Somehow this isn't so much of a problem with the MKII rocket, even though I'm pretty sure it wheighs more and uses the same emitter.

Dropships need to have a higher drop point, and drift as they drop loads. When an AI dropship comes down to slap its men onto the feild, it usually starts pushing upwards too late while opening its doors, and so crunches the first of its load into the dirt underneath it before it moves back up. This is alot worse in the dummy dropship than the MKI. The MKI is more prone to dropping people on top of each other, which is why dropships should probably drift to either side while they're plonking men into battle, while having a higher drop altitude so they dont light them on fire with the trailing engine.

Also, the large body gib for the dropship has no gib sound. It's been several builds without fixing so I thought it had been overlooked.

Author:  Azukki [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some suggested tweaks to do with dropships and rockets

This is a good addressing of problems, but they're problems that I would assume most everyone already acknowledges, probably including the one with the ability to resolve them, Data.

But anyways, yeah, I agree, etc.

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