Data Realms Fan Forums

New Mac user
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Author:  koopatroopa [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  New Mac user

I've been with this game for a bit now but first time on the forums. I'm pretty excited about this game, I've become a pretty big fan with the most recent build.

So here is the deal. I had the trial version of the most recent build on my PC and was about to buy the game but it ended up crapping out. Money's tight and buying a new pc is just not happening anytime soon. My job however issued me a Mac and so until i get a new comp this will have to do.

I'm not hating on macs, I love them, I just hate the fact that this game wont be playable on macs for a bit.

Any ideas on when I will be able to buy it for mac?

Author:  Grif [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Mac user

Well you can BUY it at any time, :P.

However, it won't be ported to a Mac until, at the very least, Data gets access to a Mac he can use consistently. His project is commercial now, so he's not about to send out the source code to anyone to compile, and he needs to have new access for when he updates, and to test out new builds. Thus, you're pretty much gonna have to wait until Data can buy a Mac. He does plan on releasing versions for Mac, and at the current rate of expansion, I'd say you can expect it within three or four builds, but I really can't be sure, and, at this point, Data probably can't either.

Author:  koopatroopa [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Mac user


thanks for the quick reply/help

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