Making things a little orderly and lengthy as usual...hopefully within context, as well.
RobotsI think the 2 basic Tradestar Robots should be considered to expand into their own faction; robots with varying degrees of agility, impact/ballistic resistances, armor, and jetpack abilities. I also think they would do well to have a "juggernaut" robot of a sorts, something comparable in
height to the armored brain-dummy made by
LowestFormOfWit...perhaps the green-eyed cyclops robot that is so often the poster-child for CC. A giant spider-type robot would also be cool, and intimidating, as well as fun to blow up. The robots should have a wide range of quality and capacities to choose from. I imagine a premium model having the durability akin to the robots of the movie Terminator.
Their weapons should also be crude; not in the sense that they are poorly constructed, but in that they are developed no further than is needed to butcher their adversaries (laser rifle and flak-cannon being prime examples). I'd also like to see a robot (primarily our cyclopean friend) with a built-in weapon, such as a laser-eye.
DummiesI like some of the direction they've been given, however I feel some of the weapons (namely the Destroyer Cannon and Annihilator) are out of place for them,however guns such as the Rail Pistol and Nailer Cannon are perfect. I also think it would do well for the dummy faction to have Dreadnaughts with different turrets to choose from such as: a rocket launcher, a flamethrower, and an upgraded machine gun. Either way, I think Dummies should stay towards "conventional" weapons, that primarily rely on ballistics and explosives. Their energy guns should be nothing far beyond what the blaster does.
In terms of physical attributes, I think the Dummies are a bit-too resistant too ballistics. I can understand them taking impacts from being tackled, crushed, and falling, but they should be picked apart by bullets a bit easier I feel.
WhitebotsThese are the robots that should have an arsenal of almost
entirely energy weapons. laser-arc weaponry, micro-fission grenades, phased-plasma rifle in the 40-Watt range, and so on. However, I'd also envision them being more structurally-fragile than Dummies and T.S. Robots. Whitebots would have super high-tech nano-fiber composite armor with "energy-dispersing phase-disruptors" (hi-tech gibberish goodness), but it wouldn't mean jack when they fall off the edge of a cliff (with no jetpack, obviously).
CoalitionI definitely like the improvements that have come to them in the most recent build, however I think a few of their guns (namely the revolver cannon, and uber-cannon) should be handed over to the Browncoats. Otherwise, clones are more or less perfect...except for being able to take multiple bullets
through the head, of course.
RoninLove'em, though I agree with Manticore that things like "M1600" are somewhat odd for them. I'd love to see them get an M-79 though. Otherwise, think one of the actors (maybe Dafred, since he's so damn awesome) should have their hand-friction increased to where they can scale a vertical-wall so they can infiltrate facilities,
commando Ronin style. They should also have a dropship which is significantly less armored, but could effectively deploy 3 troops at a time. I also think their jet-pack abilities should be significantly worse, perhaps even to a point where it just provides a burst-jump type of thrust.
BrowncoatsThe overtone I feel from the Browncoat faction is that of an extermination squad. Not a clandestine hush-hush secret-operations type extermination, oh no. We're talking raining bombs for days, and storming the gates with unnecessarily brutal force. I think the concept of health-regeneration would be most sensible for them, especially considering their price, but also to reinforce the concept of them being super-soldiers.
I'd also like to see the Browncoats get a savage version of a flamethrower. What the coalition is armed with is like a garden hose with fire coming out of it. I want to see the browncoats get a flamethrower like
this. A veritable
streaming-jet of hot flames that billows into a great fireball along the length, (45 yards being the max range!) leaving the area smoldering afterward. Not only that, but it'd add to the awesome mayhem of the game to have an explosive tank strapped to an actor's back (even though they don't explode in real life; it'd be fun to have and good for balance in-game though).
In General-It'd also be fitting to see each faction with its own type of craft for deploying troops.
-There should be at least one type of troop for each faction that comes
without a jetpack. I think more emphasis should be made on jetpacks being a premium-item. Encourage players to make greater use of ladders and place greater emphasis on awareness of the terrain. Because some times, it feels a little bit like I'm playing a 2D version of Tribes. This also makes it feel like where I drop the soldier I am going to control is fairly unimportant, as I can just fly them by jetpack myself to their true destination.
-Stones should be a faction-item for the Ronin, and should have unlimited uses.
That's all, I think...