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 Tips for Beginner? 
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Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:54 pm
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Post Tips for Beginner?
Hello there,

I have been following Cortex Comand for a long long time. Even tried it 2-3 times but I was never able to get past the tutorial. I never knew what I supposed to do.

Now I got that Humble Bundle pack which contains Cortex Comand... actually I only got it because of this... I had the other games.

Now, I'm still not able to get past the tutorial. I get up. Get the gun. The guys start to fire at me ... and that's about it.

I tried to start a campaign but I have no idea... how is the game. What should I do. How do I win?

I set up the game vs an AI. Got 2 spots. I scanned one. Ended my turn. It was his turn. Ended his turn. Then I clicked on my "spot" and ... I landed on the planet only to see the "WIN" message... which confused me even more. What was the point of that "landing" just to see the win screen?

Wiki has 0 info...

So basically... where can I find some info about the game? How should I start? There is nothing :(

Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:58 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Well, for starters, here's what you do in the tutorial. As soon as you cross the invisible line right near the right edge of the bunker, the enemy dummies will begin attacking and hunting for your brain, so unless you want that to happen, don't cross that line. You can order new bodies and weapons with the pie menu, hold down right click and move your mouse in the direction of that pie menu option.
You can thus familiarize yourself with the basics of moving around, firing weapons, and the like, and when you think you are ready, activate the enemies and kill them all off. Once you believe you can, destroy the enemy brain (which looks like a yellow pill attached to the ceiling of the bunker to the right), and you'll win.

At the moment, campaign requires you to have a second human player to play, so grab a friend and attempt to figure it out. I've not been able to myself, but there are two or three phases. Scanning, deployment, and battle. Scanning you've figured out, then in deployment you decide how much money to use out of your total to use in bunker building, then build a bunker. In battle, you again decide how much money to use for defensive or offensive forces, then order in a bunch of troops to do either of those things.

If you're still confused, feel free to ask further questions.

Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:50 pm
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Campaign happens in two phases:

First, you (and everyone else playing) manage your funds. This includes bunker building, attacking and site claiming. "Planning phase"
Secondly, all the conflicts are played out in-game. "Battle phase"

You have whatever funds you assigned for that specific site, but keep in mind that the brain bot and drop ship cost some gold.
Defenders use their Tradestar (global) balance.

On game start and after site takeovers or a certain number of turns, new sites are unlocked.

Unclaimed sites;
You can scan the site for 250 oz, clearing out the fog of war from the surface. You can also assign funds for a prospecting team.
When the battle phase starts, everyone who has assigned funds to a prospecting team lands to the site. Whoever is the last one standing claims the site.

Claimed sites;
In planning phase, you can enter a scene editor -like mode on the site and design a bunker. After this is done, the game will automatically build whatever it can with the funds you allocate to that site, every turn. This is only possible with sites you own.
If you select a site you do not own, you can allocate funds to attack it, or scan it (it will offer scanning even if you already have done so)

That's all I know so far.

Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:29 pm

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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Hi there, obviously I found this game through the Humble Bundle too, but am also slightly confused! When I start a campaign, all I can seem to do is scan the sites, over and over. I can't find any button or menu to land or get past the scanning phase. Any ideas?

Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:23 am
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
There's a slider over the scan button - just slide that baby over to assign money to an area.
After you do that, there should be a button on the bottom right to end your turn. (stuff should start happening after each player has assigned their money)

Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:49 am
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Ah thank you. Will give it a go now.

Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:47 am

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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Is campaign is still for 2 players in build 26?
What can I do with AI then? Skirmishes?

Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:35 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
Yeap, check out all the scenarios available in the second menu option there, all of them are AI-usable (except Brain Vs Brain mode, I believe).
I personally love Massacre and Survival.

Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:20 pm

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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
I've tried the scenarios, and they indeed look nice!
However, the building stage is rather annoying. Is there a way to play with a ready base, instead of building it?
If not, can I at least save my built base so I won't have to rebuild it every time? I noticed there is a SAVE SCENE option in the menu, but it doesn't seem to do anything.


Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:48 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
I'm not sure, but you can pick up mods that have prefab bases in them (such as UniTec).

Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:57 pm
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Post Re: Tips for Beginner?
The built in scene editor can allow you to construct a base and return to it later. You will be stuck on one map in the same spot, thought that probably won't be a big deal for you.

Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:30 am
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