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 Great tutorial. Now what? 
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Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:28 am
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Post Great tutorial. Now what?
So I wound up with this very sexy-looking game via HIB, installed it and ran through the tutorial. Pretty neato. Now however, I have no idea what to do. At all. Really not one clue.

Can the version I got from HIB be played as a single player game? How? I started a 'campaign' where player1 is human and player2 is AI, but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Not even a tiny, tiny bit. Taking turns scanning sites, budgeting scan resources... Great, now how do I initiate the core gameplay?

I think I actually need someone to explain exactly what to do in what order to go from the main menu to: "Okay, now you're playing the game. Stupid." ("stupid" optional).

And just as a general observation or critique, that in and of itself seems like a problem. Granted I did little investigation prior to posting here, but I'm not even sure whether this game supports single player in its current state. (Does it? Much like some multiplayer games have bots, or is single-player gameplay well-featured?) Something in the game's description really should explicitly state whether this game can be played by one human being - did I miss that sentence?

Further, can someone clue me in as to how I will go about acquiring future updates to this game as they are released? The game itself makes no mention of updating (unless I missed that too), and the website doesn't clearly indicate how to get the latest update if you already own a copy.

Also, as a point of interest, am I a complete and utter moron?
My thanks to anyone with the patience to answer my questions,

Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:53 am
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Post Re: Great tutorial. Now what?

The game is still far from finished. There's no mission-based campaign yet (and I dunno if there will be).
The 'metagame' does not yet support AI playing against you, so it's pretty useless to play that on your own.
The only way to have fun with it is going to "Scenario Battle" and do some skirmishes.
You might want to add some mods for flavour.

Future updates are downloadable from the devlog. (

And you're far from being a moron from what I can tell. :)

Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:53 pm
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Post Re: Great tutorial. Now what?
Gotcha! wrote:
Future updates are downloadable from the devlog. (

Nyerk, just a bit of a correction here.
Notification that there is an update will be on the Devlog, however where you download it is different depending on how you purchased. HIB purchasers download from their HIB page, like you would any of the other games. Pre-HIB purchasers have some key shenanigans that Data outlined in a previous Devlog entry.

Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:13 pm

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Post Re: Great tutorial. Now what? (solved!)
Ahhhh, that's better. Had loads of fun with the scenarios available. Thanks so much for the kind responses. :)

Would I be correct in assuming that there are some decent user-created scenarios available also? Hmmm... And because I assume you'd know better than I do, do the developers intend to focus primarily on multiplayer? From what I've seen, the AI is pretty darn good, which is made that much more impressive by the dynamic environments and variety of tasks. It would be a shame if it weren't featured in an in-depth single player campaign.

Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:07 pm
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Post Re: Great tutorial. Now what?
The AI for the campaign is due for completion next build. Yes there are plenty of missions and scenes for existing scenarios available, browse through scene releases for details.

Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:12 pm
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