Data Realms Fan Forums

Giving an emitter sharpness(?)
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Author:  kamakazibob [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Giving an emitter sharpness(?)


So, I've been working on a laser weapon that I want to have an extremely long trail.

It got a FireVelocity of 90 and making a huge trail length variable does nothing. My next idea

consists of making an aemitter that emits pinned particles for a longer trail. I got that part down.

Now all I need to do is give it a particle that removes terrain to a point. When I tried this it

trailed the emitter and did nothing.

I also just tried giving it sharpness (dur, this failed)

Any Ideas?

Also, I write like this... just because.

Author:  Djinn [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giving an emitter sharpness(?)

kamakazibob wrote:

So, I've been working on a laser weapon that I want to have an extremely long trail. It got a FireVelocity of 90 and making a huge trail length variable does nothing. My next idea consists of making an aemitter that emits pinned particles for a longer trail. I got that part down. Now all I need to do is give it a particle that removes terrain to a point. When I tried this it trailed the emitter and did nothing. I also just tried giving it sharpness (dur, this failed)

Any Ideas?

Make it emit particles with very low lifetime in a circle as well as the trail.

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