Data Realms Fan Forums

Tutorial Sub-Forum (Request)
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Author:  striker121 [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Tutorial Sub-Forum (Request)

For a long time more and more people have been making crappy mods. I think we should at least make a way that someone with little experience, (Like me, I've only made a few simple weapons.), could learn how to make decent mods. I propose that we make a sub-forum for the "Mod Making" forum that would have in it, not just the standard tutorials, but also small "challenges" that would help give new people some experience. For example someone could give a "challenge" to build some specific kind of ...gun. The person would, depending on the challenge, supply a sprite and then other people could make the mod, Upload it on the thread, and see how they did. The same would apply, more or less, to challenges to sprite things,etc. Anyone else think it's a good idea?

Author:  rebirth12345 [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tutorial Sub-Forum (Request)

good idea, for those who can't search, like me

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