Data Realms Fan Forums

Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)
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Author:  ChJees [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)

I am right now wondering how much effort it would take to create a Level Editor to Cortex Command. Presuming you know how to make parsers and the basics of the C++. Now assuming you know the exact syntax wich Data uses for Scenes so are you setting up a project in Dev-C++ (Or any other Program for that matter.) and start coding but then realised "O SHI- i need image manipulation now!!1" and start looking for libraries wich suits. Here comes what i had in mind of what to use when making the level editor:

Custom Parser (In layman words: Look in a file for information) for Config Files
SDL (And SDL_image) for rendering the whole GUI (UI)
paintlib (For manipulating the Terrain in editor.)
C++ Skills
A lot of time

And this will not probably not parse the whole Base.rte folder (Because it would require too much effort from my side :cry: ) so instead will it parse a Config file to look after ingame objects (Pretty much like Worldcraft\Hammer Editor loads a specific file to get what entities the specific mod uses).
The Syntax would be pretty much like this:
DefineRoot "C:\Program Files\Datarealms\Cortex Command\"
DefineActor "Green Clone"
DefineDevice "Smg"
DefineScenery "T-Junction" "Base.rte\...\T-Junction.bmp"
DefineProp "Large Rock" "Base.rte\...\LargeRock.bmp"


I am thinking of doing this in my spare time so no promises about a finished level editor :P. (No guarantees!) Also if someone wants to join and do some part of the code so would i be grateful.

So what do you think, do this idea contain some win or complete fail?
Also any suggestions, criticism & intelligent discussion is wanted.

Author:  Jack The Llama Commando [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)

Why would we need one.
There's not much "customizing" we could do.

Author:  ChJees [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)

The current level editor wich Data made do currently not support adding of objects in pause mode. Also not the movement and deleting of accidentaly placed bunker modules.

The main reason to do this is to get it tailored a little more to your preferences :). (Note the word Custom, in other words not official made.)

Author:  SotL [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)

The scene editor allows you to delete and place objects. In a saveable format.

The only possible advantage this could offer would be drawing custom terrain, which would still be far easier to do with a normal image editing program.

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Level Editor (Theoretical)

I'd use Qt anyway.

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