Data Realms Fan Forums

Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser
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Author:  kamakazibob [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Hey all.
I've finally got a decent pack of weapons together and will be releasing them when I finish up the offset tuneups/prices/weight. The code is nearly complete for all the weapons. Here and there are a few things to fix up. I may throw in a few more weapons and just to a Soldier resprite into some Imperial Guard.

I shall be calling on the Gif makers shortly.

Additional creds go to
Numgum, for the base code for the missile launcher
Lokomotivet, for the Space Marine actor
Me, for the rest of the code and the sprites.

As stated before hand: OFFSETS ARE STILL IN THE WORKS
Not Added: Tarantula Base defense systems (Heavy Bolter and Las Cannon)
Weapons are:

Heavy Bolter (/w Backpack Mag not shown)

Las Cannon (/w Backpack Mag not shown)

Missile Launcher

Multi-Melta (/w Backpack Mag not shown)

Plasma Cannon (/w Backpack Mag not shown)

Melta Gun (Infantry Version)

Plasma Gun (Infantry Version)


40kHeavy.rte.rar [2.61 MiB]
Downloaded 288 times

Author:  DSMK2 [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Hmmm, may I suggest that you darken your sprites a bit? I'll be looking forward to it.

Author:  REdFlameZero [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Need some Imperial Guard Weapons for Ref? ive got a few Models i could take some pictures of.

Author:  rebirth12345 [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

didn't some people do this already in older builds???

Author:  Grif [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

No. No successful W40K pack was ever made. They all crash and burn because people are too lazy to just do it all themselves and thus make it "community" efforts.

Author:  Falcon X [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Grif wrote:
No. No successful W40K pack was ever made. They all crash and burn because people are too lazy to just do it all themselves and thus make it "community" efforts.

Community meaning "Do it yourself, and good luck."

Author:  pieman280 [ Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Mr.X wrote:
Grif wrote:
No. No successful W40K pack was ever made. They all crash and burn because people are too lazy to just do it all themselves and thus make it "community" efforts.

Community meaning "Do it yourself, and good luck."

some Community projects end up as they're supposed to (teamwork). take for example, the flamewar pack. people are taking their parts to help it through. :)

Author:  kamakazibob [ Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

I don't call things 'community' because communities always fail.
I find this a fun project on my own. If people want to add to this 'pack' then by all means, PM me. Let me know what you have to add. Any and all bits and pieces that fit in the universe are welcome. But if you give me a sprite or tell me to make something don't think it will happen unless you get off your ass and do it yourself.

This pack may be released slowly or all at once, I'm not so sure myself.


Author:  NeoSeeker [ Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

If those are the final sprites, then not even close.

tweak them, put some beefy sounds on them, release them and you'll water a flower drier than glenn close's vagina

Author:  Caelas [ Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Communities nearly always fail. I should know, I've started several and it all went down hill due to lack of communication (not on my behalf I might add) and someone called milesSR3tg. I believe he is now banned.

The fact is, that no-matter how organized the leader of the group is, things are going to get hairy. But back on the topic of this mod, great job!

File comment: Here is a resprite of the blue clone head as a guardsman. I can change it to a Kaarskin of seargent if you want.
PlayerHead.bmp [1.33 KiB]
Downloaded 327 times
Hellgun.bmp [1.27 KiB]
Downloaded 320 times
Laspistol.bmp [446 Bytes]
Downloaded 317 times

Author:  kamakazibob [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Plasma Cannon Nearly finished.


Author:  ddgc [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Wow, that's awesome.
I'll be waiting every day for this mod to be released.
Now what does this cost?

Author:  kamakazibob [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

I'm waiting till last to do all the minor bits and pieces (I.e. Price and a little bit of sprite detailing)

For the most part, though, the major coding is done on all the Heavy Weapons, tweaking still needs to be done. I've ripped the sounds from DOW to be used for the weapons. By doing this I've had to modify some things here and there.

Some problems are being encountered on the las cannon (having the laser rebound from actors) but that is being worked on. It may not be included in the initial release but I'm hoping it will be there.

Author:  kamakazibob [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Update with beta in first post.

Comments please.

Offsets are being worked on and a new Spacemarine to come out soon.

Custom Sounds for all weapons too.

Balance wishes are also acceptable. Its 40k after all, and I want to have it decently balanced and fun, ya know?

Author:  insomniacpyro [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer 40k Pack Teaser

Looks promising, are you going to polish the sprites a little bit? They look a little flat on the edges.

Just installed and tried it, got an error that "military stuff" in the multi-melta.ini can't be defined.

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