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Author:  ToastMaster M [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  De-existence-ifier

I was wondering... is it possible to program a sprite or particle to actually delete other particles from the current game temporarily?

by that I mean, you could destroy all the particles in a level, then just restart it and have it all be back.

Cause I'm attempting to make a weapon mod thats a combination gravity well/particle deleter, or, in simpler terms, a black hole generator.

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Gonna go out on a limb and say... are you on drugs?

Author:  ToastMaster M [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

hey, if they can make a gravity gun(s)... why not a gravity well?

Author:  Electroclan [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

No, it is not possible.

Author:  ToastMaster M [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Hmm, what if I add the the pull feature to tha black hole, only apply it by having the narrow, beams? revolve very quickly about the said BH in 360 degrees. The I just apply black colored digger beams with incredibly high concentration also in 360 degrees. Would that work?

Author:  Grif [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

It would work, yes.
It's quite impossible also, but you're welcome to try doing it.

Author:  ToastMaster M [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Impossible as in it would lag everything to the point of suicide?

Author:  striker121 [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

That AND it would probably be a pain in the ass to mod. Also, by the way gravity gun are IMPOSSIBLE. The ones people made don't really work. (Well, atleast they're impossible as far as anyone can tell.

Author:  Raithah [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Oh really ? I beg to differ. CherryT made the DeathVac, which can literaly pull dropships from the sky and tear the guns out of a clone's hand.

Here's the mod, if you don't want to look for it.

Good luck on making that gravity-bomb :D.

Author:  Thor V [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

I'm pretty sure all it does is spawn particles behind something and then pull it towards the gun, or something like that. The vacuum, that is.

Author:  BlueThen [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Thor V wrote:
I'm pretty sure all it does is spawn particles behind something and then pull it towards the gun, or something like that. The vacuum, that is.

or have a negative impact or something...

Author:  3 solid [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

ToastMaster M wrote:
I was wondering... is it possible to program a sprite or particle to actually delete other particles from the current game

You mean.. Like.. A gun?

Sorry. It's been done.


There has been a gravity grenade, but it was very simple, it sucks stuff in and then blows up. If you are sucked in, you are normally thrown around violently and mutilated as a result.

It's called a "Vortex Grenade". And there's the Xenon bomb, but that shoots stuff out aswell.

Author:  TrouserDemon [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Can someone please post a version of the xenon bomb which doesn't crash the game please!

I really want to use it but I can't.

Author:  3 solid [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

Sorry, the explosion is so mind bendingly awesome that it causes too much lag for any non-uber computers to withstand.

If I made it lag less, the explosion would be less awesome.

Author:  TrouserDemon [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: De-existence-ifier

I meant the way it spews out 2 rockets and a dropship.

Can you post a version without that?

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