Data Realms Fan Forums

[WIP] Official Elite Pack V2: ReloadeD work thread [update]
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Author:  DiviX [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  [WIP] Official Elite Pack V2: ReloadeD work thread [update]

some users may already know what this is but some dont.

some time ago, build 13 to be exact.

a mod called the Elite Pack was made by me to all the datarealms users to use.

it was considered a very good mode, so i decided to make another version.

The Elite Pack V2

had more succsess than the first one.

i then started a poll about making V3

it was obvious...

V3 will be made...

i started making the mod it got well progressed until....

i got the lazynessness curse!

i got so bored of this game that i deleted all of the work in progress files, never found them again. no backups. no older versions. just the V2 version.

then came along build 18 with all the cool effects and ai,coding features, flexability.

i got back to modding.

and started working on my latest mod..

The Elite Pack V2 :RELOADED

now with special effects! new weapons! new tools! new sounds! recoding!

and most of all...


The elite pack v2: reloaded

coming soon to near you! (which is this forum of course!)

hmm to dramatic post...

btw the elite pack v2 link is in my sig so you can catch up on the series (what series?)(why am i talking to my self?)


oh yeah!!!

yes its back with a vengence!

with the new CC glow and new variables to rich this mod with pure amazing fun!

look at this pic!!!

isnt it amazing?!

oh and one more thing...

THIS IS A DEMO!!!!!!!!!!

sorry as its not finish all the way

im still debating about the weapons projectiles

some may remember this mod some time ago (click the text under my sig)

the full version is yet to come

so be ready

this Demo contains only 1 weapon (dont kill me..)





when i said that this new elite pack will be remade.....

i really ment it.

its not just gonna be recoded so it works with build 18


this is just 3 sprites that have been remade by now so youll see the difference

this time..

this mod...

is going to be the best.

//Incoming transmission
//@## 773$%# 534%^* &^&43
Main COMP13> Language_

//Loading languages.. please wait.

Language list end//
Main COMP13>Eng_

//Reloading transmission..
//Image file reckognized
//Loading Image...
Text:all weapons will be remade..
we have recreated only these 3 weapons so far.
they have been all modified and improved for better combat effectiveness.
you are the only one to see this top secret messege.
//Transmmision end

File comment: yay exe file FTW!
Elite Pack V2 Demo.rar [365.5 KiB]
Downloaded 261 times

Author:  Electroclan [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Coming soon...

That's nice, provide more information for this to be a WIP topic. Otherwise, it goes.

Author:  DiviX [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon...

yeah ill add some teasers and stuff

im editing the post now

Double post fixed.

Author:  venn177 [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Its Back... The Elite Pack V2: RloadeD!!!

divix wrote:
IWCY darn you you made me double post

Since THOR was demodded the double posting thing isn't "RAWR ME BAN YOU NAOW" it's more like "That's okay, just try to avoid it in the future"

Yes that's nice, now stay on topic.
- Electro

Author:  DiviX [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon: Elite Pack V2 ReloadeD (download added)

ah phew...

Author:  venn177 [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon: Elite Pack V2 ReloadeD (download added)

divix wrote:
ah phew...

Yes, it's thankful relief, now a very important question:

Is there a release date for full pack?

Author:  DiviX [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon: Elite Pack V2 ReloadeD (download added)

it could take about 3-4 days depending on the day

too bad im going to a vacation for a week i think...

maybe the 7-10th of october it will befinished

cuz right after vacation kaboom back to school...

Author:  Blob [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon: Elite Pack V2 ReloadeD (download added)

Yay! I liak it very much. With new effects it would be twice cooler. Elite Pack Rocks.

Author:  DiviX [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Coming soon: Elite Pack V2 ReloadeD (download added)

yeah thanks!

every thing is gonna be remade!

Author:  DiviX [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Official Elite Pack V2: ReloadeD work thread [update]


crap! im used to the forum that combined the posts if you accidently double posted.

Author:  Blob [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [WIP] Official Elite Pack V2: ReloadeD work thread [update]

Awesome!! Keep working.

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