Data Realms Fan Forums

Installing a mod :(
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Author:  RocketPanda [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Installing a mod :(

Really sorry, but im having trouble installing any of the mods that i download : /. Just wondering if any1 has a link to a specific page with some tips on it, or if anyone could be so kind as to briefly explain which files go where, namely actor /gun ones and how its done properly >.<.

Sorry if this has been posted before , but cant seem to find any posts for it :(.

Author:  Tendrop [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing a mod :(

NOOOO!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Author:  Grif [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing a mod :(

STEP 1. Download the mod to the /Cortex Command/ directory.

This will probably be in *drive*://Program Files/Data Realms/Cortex Command/

STEP 2. Extract the mod. You will almost certainly need WinRAR to do this.
Download and install this.

STEP 3. Play mod.

Author:  dapaperboy [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing a mod :(

I ONLY HAVE A DELL SO THIS IS IF YOU HAVE A DELL!!!!!. if you dont have a mod please dont post here its annoying for people who check or try to check the site daily for new mods and download them because they think that a new mod is posted when they take a first glance at the topic. step 1 first get winrar at and install it. my McAfee site adviser said the site was green meaning that it was clean with no bad links, trojans viruses etc. step 2 on your keyboard hit the windows key then go to my computer. step 3 in my computer go to Local Disk (C:). step 4 go to progam files and in program files go to the data realms folder. step 5 go to viewforum.php?f=23 aka the mod board and go to a mod that you think is cool and click on the topic. step 6 in the topic find the download link. step 7 assuming that you have Mozilla Firefox, when the mod is finished downloading hit ctrl+j to go to the download window. step 8 in the download window click open on the mod in the window and a screen will pop up that has the folders ... on top and underneath is the folder of the mod you downloaded. step 9 right click the newly downloaded folder, scroll down and go to extract to: the cortex command folder inside the datarealms folder. step 10 what he F*** are you still reading this guide for?!?!?! go download more mods or go play the game already! you deserve it after reading this long and obnoxious guide!

Author:  dapaperboy [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing a mod :(

Grif wrote:
STEP 1. Download the mod to the /Cortex Command/ directory.

This will probably be in *drive*://Program Files/Data Realms/Cortex Command/

STEP 2. Extract the mod. You will almost certainly need WinRAR to do this.
Download and install this.

STEP 3. Play mod.

when i was typing up my guide you posted here :roll: :roll: :roll:

Author:  Control [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Installing a mod :(

Read Grif's post, and if that doesn't work, there's a video tutorial on it.


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