Data Realms Fan Forums

"Artillery" Rocket
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Author:  CherryT [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  "Artillery" Rocket

I had this idea long ago in the Orc Corp. SECRET FORUM, but I didn't really get enough of an opinion.
Basically, it involves making a rocket which has a "barrel" for firing grenades, equipment and possibly clones across the map.
The rocket would be inverted so the engine is facing 45 degrees upwards, hollowed out, the main engine placed inside and would have a small opening on the side for throwing things like grenades in.
Crappy Concept Art:
- Delivers nearly anything safely and effectively to a wide range of locations on your map.
- Don't have to risk sending rockets into dangerous situations.
- High Density Armor
- Turn any grenade (with a long enough fuse) into a dangerous weapon.
- Expensive
- Hard to move


Author:  ProjektTHOR [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Artillery" Rocket

So basically a Gmod prop cannon?

Author:  Raithah [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Artillery" Rocket

That sounds crazy good. Seriously crazy good, not just the poseur crazy good advertised by Pop-Tarts.

Two questions, though. One is how an actor will stand on a rocket (I was under the impression that's impossible w/o immediate and gorey death). Second is how not to launch too high; there's a limit now :D.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Artillery" Rocket


Angle-able, or fixed?

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