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Multiple stuff firings?
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Author:  Fat Zombie [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Multiple stuff firings?

Sorry for the odd title. I'm making another weapon at the moment, and for it I'd like to know: can I make a weapon that fires multiple different particles or objects? Like a shell, maybe some bullet particles, or some type of smoke/fire particle effect?

If it is, then it should make my job easier, and the final result much more cool. Let me know soon, please. Thanks!

Author:  Demented [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple stuff firings?

Easy answer: No.

Hard answer: Still no.

Ugly answer: You've got normal rounds, tracers, and shells. And if you make the shells bullets that can hit the rounds as they're fired off, all sorts of things can ensue.

Author:  Fat Zombie [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple stuff firings?

Okay, thanks. Well, I think that I can get some effects, anyways (using the shell, as you said, and through the muzzle flash as well). Thanks for replying, anyway.

Author:  Diluvian [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple stuff firings?

Sry for my question in this thread but i think it's similar to your problem:

can i use more than 1 muzzleflash at the same time? for example a sms flash, jetflame A, and another flash .. possible?

Author:  Fat Zombie [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiple stuff firings?

UPDATE: I've found out a way to get weapons to fire multiple different projectiles. It's a bit of a hack, but it works to an extent.

Basically, it involves making the weapon fire an explosive at a moderate speed; then, set the timer for the explosive to something really quite low (for example, 5-10), and make it so that the "shrapnel" from the explosive are the items you want it to fire. It explodes as soon as it leaves the gun; but because of the projectile's high firing speed, the stuff travels out in an arc.

Problems I can see: the stuff piles up. Unless you set a limited lifetime, you'll soon be waist-deep in junk. Also: there's no way to set the speed of the objects as they explode out, or to modify the spread. It'll always be a wide field of stuff.

Anyway, I've attached an example weapon for anyone interested to see. It's a hackjob, but it's a decent Proof of Concept. If anyone has any other concepts, or methods to improve the spread/speed, etc, then please contribute.

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