Data Realms Fan Forums

Squid Actor
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Author:  Z3R052 [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Squid Actor

I made a squid actor while trying to be original and I seam to keep screwing up the offsets, at the moment there very screwy.

Attempts at being unique list:

1. Instead of a head I made a single eye that should be in the lower middle of the body, The point was that it would look where you were aiming.

2. For a jet pack I made the squid using its left over tentacles to hold onto a rocket, hoping for a cool effect.

This is what he should look like:Image

I was hoping to have a whole character and weapon pack about Squids vs. octopuses but at thanks to my coding ability ill never finish it, so I'm asking you people to help me finish just this squid actor.

If anyone wants to fix the offsets ill attach the file.

BTW: It still has the Human template names so just ignore them (inless you really want them fixed) ill edit them out later.

Author:  3 solid [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squid Actor

1st of all, work on the sprite a little, I'm loving the shape, but it needs shading.

If you are having trouble with that, ask anyone but me. I'm not good at shading things that don't already have shading.

Author:  Z3R052 [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squid Actor

Ya my original body sprite was prettier but it was way to small, also the CC pallet didn't have my original color scheme or anything close to it (it was purple) so I had to make it blue.

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