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Is there anybody here who understands offsets?
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Author:  blipflip [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

I've been having a lot of trouble with the offsets for my new weapon, I don't think I'll be able to fix it.

Could somebody please fix the offsets for the Air Slicer, and explain how they did it as well?

Thanks ;)

EDIT : Download has been removed as the offsets have been fixed and I'll be releasing it soon. Thanks to evrybody who helped, especially Demented.

File comment: I'd like each of the hands on each of the handles :)
Gun000.bmp [1.71 KiB]
Downloaded 322 times

Author:  ProjektTHOR [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

It'd be a lot more helpful if you explained more of the problem.

To properly make offsets, you have to give us some information: What type of weapon is it? How should it be held.

Also, what "problems" with offsets are you having? What are you trying to do that you can't?

Author:  blipflip [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Sorry, perhaps I should have been more specific.

It's a 2h beam rifle. So it shoots a few very heavy very sharp bullets very quickly. I'm trying to get the hands of the actor to hold it on the two handles at the bottom of the weapon ,and to have the weapon itself between head and waist, so that it covers most of the torso but is mainly protruding at the front. I don't really understand how to change offsets to make this happen , and I havn't been able to do it by trial and error.

This is how it looks at the moment :

TestDump000.JPG [ 54.48 KiB | Viewed 5688 times ]

This is how I'd like it to look (edited in paint) :

howitshouldbe.bmp [7.47 KiB]
Downloaded 294 times

Author:  lololn00b [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?


x = -13
y = -2

if -2 apears to lower it, try:

y = -9

Author:  blipflip [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Thanks I'll give that a go :)

EDIT : Sorry, that hasn't worked. Which sets of offsets should I be changing? I changed the stance, sharp and support offsets, is that right?

Author:  lololn00b [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

sprite offset only

Author:  blipflip [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Thanks, that cleared up the gun position, now I need to get the hands in the right place.

Author:  lololn00b [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

support offset

x = -10
y = -2 or -9, whatever was the correct one

Author:  Darlos9D [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Hey, I did some messing about with offsets while doing other things. I may be able to shed some light on the problem.

Something to note about Sprite and JointOffset. Increasing the X value of SpriteOffset moves the gun forward in relation to the actor, and doing the same with JointOffset moves it backwards in relation to the actor (because its moving the joint forwards). Similar for Y: positive values for Y in SpriteOffset move the gun down, and the same values move the gun upwards with JointOffset (because its moving the joint down).

If you look at the offsets for guns already made that work, you'll notice that both the X values for both SpriteOffset and JointOffset are negative. Typically, you want the SpriteOffset value to be lower than the Jointoffset. (that is, if JointOffset is -3, SpriteOffset is about -6) You'll notice than an actor holding a correctly adjusted weapon kinda has the weapon held back whenever they turn around, and then they pull it forward to the normal position. This is the effect you should get if you do it right.

Now, the StanceOffset, SupportOffset, and SharpStanceOffset simply determines where the hands are placed on the gun. When holding the gun normally for un-aimed hip-fire, StanceOffset determines where the primary hand is located. SharpStanceOffset determines where the primary hand is located when the actor is aiming carefully, as well as where the gun moves (usually you set it to move up further so it looks like they're putting the gun's sights to their eyes, though that might not be important in this case). SupportOffset determines where the secondary hand is located when helping to support the gun. Now, this is in relation to the position of the primary hand... sort of. If you set it to (0,0), its not sitting on the same place as the primary hand. But still, when the actor switches between regular and sharp stance, the supporting hand moves accordingly. In the case of all three Offsets, positive values of X move it away from the front of the actor, and positive Y values move it downward. (pixel coordinates are usually counted from the top left of the screen, so thats why down is positive)

Hopefully this clears things up, instead of being a confusing mess. Fiddle with the values using this information and you should be able to figure it out.

Author:  lololn00b [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

cc offsets are wierd
you cant explain them cause you will miss somehing

you must undestand them
cause if i say that negatives in cc are positives i will be wrong cause actor offsets have positives as negatives

its phucked up abit, but not that hard to figure out

Author:  Demented [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

SpriteOffset determines the location of the gun's center of mass relative to the gun's sprite. You should set this once, to determine where the gun's center of mass is, and leave it. You certainly don't want to be changing this to fit the gun onto a character, unless you want the gun flying in all sorts of weird ways once you let it go. You should use the StanceOffsets for that.

I've really only played with making one gun, but by the end of it, I found that it was best to set the hand offsets (Joint and Support) first, then tweak the gun's final position with the StanceOffsets. This generally prevented the offsets from interfering with eachother.

Alright, I've been playing with the thing.
The gun is a tad big for a green clone... With it lowered to the waist, his support arm is all stretched out and can't reach the front handle. It's even almost too large for a Robot 1, though it looks a little more comfortable.
Settings for this are...
   SpriteOffset = Vector
      X = -12 //-7
      Y = -9 //-3
   JointOffset = Vector
      X = -9 //-3
      Y = 7 //2
   StanceOffset = Vector
      X = 4
      Y = 7
   SharpStanceOffset = Vector
      X = 4
      Y = 7
   SupportOffset = Vector
      X = 8
      Y = 10

(Oh, and it's a danged cool weapon.)

Author:  blipflip [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Brilliant, thanks. I'm going to take the download off now, as I'll be releasing it later this morning

Author:  Darlos9D [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there anybody here who understands offsets?

Demented wrote:
SpriteOffset determines the location of the gun's center of mass relative to the gun's sprite. You should set this once, to determine where the gun's center of mass is, and leave it. You certainly don't want to be changing this to fit the gun onto a character, unless you want the gun flying in all sorts of weird ways once you let it go. You should use the StanceOffsets for that.

I've really only played with making one gun, but by the end of it, I found that it was best to set the hand offsets (Joint and Support) first, then tweak the gun's final position with the StanceOffsets. This generally prevented the offsets from interfering with eachother.

Alright, I've been playing with the thing.
The gun is a tad big for a green clone... With it lowered to the waist, his support arm is all stretched out and can't reach the front handle. It's even almost too large for a Robot 1, though it looks a little more comfortable.
Settings for this are...
   SpriteOffset = Vector
      X = -12 //-7
      Y = -9 //-3
   JointOffset = Vector
      X = -9 //-3
      Y = 7 //2
   StanceOffset = Vector
      X = 4
      Y = 7
   SharpStanceOffset = Vector
      X = 4
      Y = 7
   SupportOffset = Vector
      X = 8
      Y = 10

(Oh, and it's a danged cool weapon.)

Oh, Joint Offset determines where the primary hand goes. Hah! Drr, I feel stupid now. Thanks for the clear-ups. I obviously wasn't as successful at figuring out how offsets work as I was with the damage stuff in another post.

So yeah, disregard everything I said. This man is obviously right, now that I think back on it all.

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