Data Realms Fan Forums

Lua to enable and disable weapons in pre-equipped characters
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Author:  Tiger [ Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Lua to enable and disable weapons in pre-equipped characters

Hello, I am the creator of Heroes Mod
All the heroes of my mod has a more powerful ultimate weapon.
The problem is that these weapons disrupt the PVP.
I need help to create a Lua to keep these weapons disabled until
the player draws the following objectives with the hero:

- Staying more than 5 minutes alive.
- Kill another hero twice in a row.

For those who understand the Lua, it can be something simple to do.
If someone can create that Lua and send me I'll give the credits.
I need it as follows:

- A Lua base, with where is the actor's name and the gun to be disabled,
so that I can replicate it several times, one for each hero, and replacing the names of arms. ( Thus, with one, I do 8 )
- The Lua has to work alone. It has to be read by an ini file independent of the actors.
- He has to remove the actor's inventory of weapons and return when it meet the goals.
- The Lua has to make a sound when the actor enable possible arma..Se could
appears the word overdrive on the screen or something.

My text was big plus Lua will be something very small and easy for those who can do. Exite a mod that does something similar, Cortex Command RPG.
It promotes the actor after he kill multiple enemies.

In short, I need only the base of this Lua, with places for me to replace the name of the hero and the weapon he will run out and enable later.


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