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Changing the grappling hook
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Author:  grave accent [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Changing the grappling hook

would it be possible to edit the grappling so that it damages and/or grapples onto actors?

Author:  Asklar [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changing the grappling hook

Remember to use the search function.

Making it grapple to other actors is possible, and making it damage them is very easy to do. You might wanna ask Cave about how it works.

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changing the grappling hook

MO-to-terrain grappling gun is rather simple, pendulum physics where the MO is "attached" to a static point with a completely rigid "rope". When the script detects that the distance between the actor and the fixed point is greater than the length of the "rope," it takes a vector that is a copy of the actor's velocity, rotates the vector in the direction of the fixed point, and then reduces the velocity based on the direction that the actor is moving. This is how the vanilla grappling gun works.

The Spelunker is a bit different, and unfortunately still needs much tweaking. Since it's an MO-to-MO grappling gun, it needs to take into account that both the user and the thing at the other end are moving objects. The way it works is that once the script detects that the distance between both MOs is greater than the length of the rope, it applies an impulse force to both MOs, with the force applied to the MOs being directed towards the opposite MO, pushing them together. This issue with this method right now is that it doesn't do a very good job at taking into account if both MOs are moving in the same direction or if one is moving and the other is staying still, resulting in both MOs feeling closer to the same weight than they actually are (a dummy can air-lift a dreadnought with some effort, coalition lights attached to a dropship make the dropship heavier than it should be).

I believe an accurate, practical grappling gun is possible, but I haven't invested enough time in tinkering to figure out how to perfect it.

Author:  Foa [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changing the grappling hook

It involves pulling mass, and velocity, among other vectors, like no other.

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