I got the file to load, but the second it finishes loading this file, it crashes without an error, any Idea what is causing it?
BEWARE, This is a wall of text.
AddActor = AtomGroup PresetName = CrabFootGroup AutoGenerate = 0 AddAtom = Atom Offset = Vector X = -3 Y = 2 Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 AddAtom = Atom Offset = Vector X = -3 Y = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 AddAtom = Atom Offset = Vector X = -3 Y = 0 Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 AddAtom = Atom Offset = Vector X = -2 Y = 0 Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 AddAtom = Atom Offset = Vector X = -1 Y = 0 Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 AddAtom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Rubber TrailLength = 0 JointOffset = Vector X = -2 Y = 2
AddEffect = Leg PresetName = Big Tank leg FG A Mass = 14 Sharpness = 1 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Buggy/BigCrabLegFGA.bmp FrameCount = 4 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -14 Y = -7 AngularVel = 6 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Leaking Machinery AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 1200 JointStiffness = 0.5 BreakWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Wound Bone Break JointOffset = Vector X = -4 Y = 12 DrawAfterParent = 0 ExtendedOffset = Vector X = 20 Y = -22 ContractedOffset = Vector X = 8 Y = 0 IdleOffset = Vector X = 12 Y = 12 MoveSpeed = 0.4 GibImpulseLimit = 10000 GibWoundLimit = 30 GibSound = Sound CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1 Count = 25 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2 Count = 15 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Drop Oil Count = 20 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 2 MinVelocity = 2 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Dark Tiny A Count = 1 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 5 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Dark Micro A Count = 5 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 5 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Dark Tiny A Count = 2 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 5 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Dark Micro A Count = 8 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 5 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSRotating CopyOf = Gib Joint Small E Count = 1 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 2 MinVelocity = 2 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSRotating CopyOf = Gib Joint Small H Count = 1 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 2 MinVelocity = 2
AddEffect = Leg CopyOf = Big Tank leg FG A PresetName = Big Tank leg BG A SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Buggy/BigCrabLegBGA.bmp FrameCount = 4 IdleOffset = Vector X = 6 Y = 12
AddDevice = HDFirearm PresetName = RDI Tank MG Mass = 10 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Soldier/Launcher.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = 50 Y = -11 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light Buyable = 0 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 10 DeepCheck = 1 JointStrength = 500 JointStiffness = 0.5 JointOffset = Vector X = -3 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 0 ParentOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 StanceOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SharpStanceOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SupportOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SharpLength = 185 Magazine = Magazine PresetName = Magazine RDI Tank MG Mass = 2 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -1 Y = 2 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light AtomGroup = AtomGroup PresetName = Atom Group Null AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 0 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup PresetName = Atom Group Null AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 0 Depth = 0 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 200 JointStiffness = 1 JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 0 RoundCount = 200 RTTRatio = 4 RegularRound = Round CopyOf = Round 7.62x39 TracerRound = Round CopyOf = Round 7.62x39 Tracer Discardable = 0 ParentOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 Flash = Attachable CopyOf = Muzzle Flash SMG FireSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Soldier/MachineGunFire.wav EmptySound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav ReloadStartSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav ReloadEndSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav RateOfFire = 900 ReloadTime = 3000 FullAuto = 1 FireIgnoresThis = 1 ShakeRange = 20 SharpShakeRange = 2 NoSupportFactor = 1 ParticleSpreadRange = 1 ShellSpreadRange = 8 ShellAngVelRange = 2 DrawAfterParent = 0 MuzzleOffset = Vector X = 10 Y = 2 EjectionOffset = Vector X = -5 Y = 4 GibImpulseLimit = 2200 GibWoundLimit = 20 // GibSound = Sound // CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large
AddDevice = HDFirearm PresetName = RDI Tank Gun Mass = 10 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Soldier/Launcher.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = 50 Y = -11 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light Buyable = 0 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 10 DeepCheck = 1 JointStrength = 500 JointStiffness = 0.5 JointOffset = Vector X = -3 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 0 ParentOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 StanceOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SharpStanceOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SupportOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 SharpLength = 400 Magazine = Magazine PresetName = Magazine RDI Tank Gun Mass = 2 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -1 Y = 2 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light AtomGroup = AtomGroup PresetName = Atom Group Null AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 0 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup PresetName = Atom Group Null AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 0 Depth = 0 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 200 JointStiffness = 1 JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 0 RoundCount = 200 RTTRatio = 4 RegularRound = Round CopyOf = Round Tank Gun TracerRound = none Discardable = 0 ParentOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 Flash = Attachable CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Shotgun FireSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Buggy/RevolverCannonFire.wav EmptySound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav ReloadStartSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav ReloadEndSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav RateOfFire = 30 ReloadTime = 4000 FullAuto = 1 FireIgnoresThis = 1 ShakeRange = 20 SharpShakeRange = 2 NoSupportFactor = 1 ParticleSpreadRange = 1 ShellSpreadRange = 8 ShellAngVelRange = 2 DrawAfterParent = 0 MuzzleOffset = Vector X = 10 Y = 2 EjectionOffset = Vector X = -5 Y = 4 GibImpulseLimit = 2200 GibWoundLimit = 20 // GibSound = Sound // CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large
AddActor = Turret PresetName = Tank Gun Mass = 1 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Buggy/TurretSmallA.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -7 Y = -7 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal Light AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepCheck = 0 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 4 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 5000 JointStiffness = 0.5 BreakWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Leaking Machinery JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 1 MountedMO = HDFirearm CopyOf = RDI Tank Gun ParentOffset = Vector X = -4 Y = 1 MountedMO = HDFirearm CopyOf = RDI Tank MG ParentOffset = Vector X = -4 Y = 1 GibImpulseLimit = 12000 GibWoundLimit = 16
AddActor = ACrab PresetName = RDI Tank Mass = 320 AddToGroup = Actors AddToGroup = Raptor Defense Industries HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = RDI.rte/Actors/Buggy/BigCrabBodyA.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -18 Y = -16 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Leaking Machinery AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepCheck = 0 BodyHitSound = Sound CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large PainSound = Sound CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large DeathSound = Sound CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large GoldCost = 200 Buyable = 0 Status = 0 Health = 100 ImpulseDamageThreshold = 10000 Turret = Turret CopyOf = Tank Gun ParentOffset = Vector X = 16 Y = 4 LFGLeg = Leg CopyOf = Tank leg FG A ParentOffset = Vector X = -7 Y = 1 LBGLeg = Leg CopyOf = Tank leg BG A ParentOffset = Vector X = -7 Y = 1 RFGLeg = Leg CopyOf = Tank leg FG A ParentOffset = Vector X = 7 Y = 1 RBGLeg = Leg CopyOf = Tank leg BG A ParentOffset = Vector X = 7 Y = 1 CharHeight = 50 Perceptiveness = 0.9 GibSound = Sound CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit GibImpulseLimit = 1500 GibWoundLimit = 50
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