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Frustration at its key.
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Author:  Chronometer [ Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Frustration at its key.

It doesn't even give me a goddamn error.
It just closes stops working straight and ends.
It seems to be something it doesn't like with my actor...

ChimaeraRnD.rte.rar [152.84 KiB]
Downloaded 243 times

Author:  4zK [ Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frustration at its key.

The game can be a bit frustrating when it doesn't properly announce errors and their locations.

Anyways; here's whats wrong:

    - the Retriever's head is not defined. (You forgot to change "Soldier Head A" to "Retriever Head A")
    - the Retriever's BG arm cannot be created, for there is no FG arm to reference first. (You forgot to change "Soldier Arm FG A" to "Retriever Arm FG A")
    - there is no such file as "ChimaeraRnD.rte/Actors/Retriever/TorsoA.bmp." (The file is named "Torso.bmp")

other than that, you're good to go! Also, I think you're wanting to use your own chestplate, so change "Soldier Heavy Chest Plate A" to "Retriever Kevlar Vest A".


Nothing big, just carelessness. Make sure to check everything you're modifying!

Author:  Chronometer [ Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frustration at its key.

4zK wrote:
The game can be a bit frustrating when it doesn't properly announce errors and their locations.

Anyways; here's whats wrong:

    - the Retriever's head is not defined. (You forgot to change "Soldier Head A" to "Retriever Head A")
    - the Retriever's BG arm cannot be created, for there is no FG arm to reference first. (You forgot to change "Soldier Arm FG A" to "Retriever Arm FG A")
    - there is no such file as "ChimaeraRnD.rte/Actors/Retriever/TorsoA.bmp." (The file is named "Torso.bmp")

other than that, you're good to go! Also, I think you're wanting to use your own chestplate, so change "Soldier Heavy Chest Plate A" to "Retriever Kevlar Vest A".


Nothing big, just carelessness. Make sure to check everything you're modifying!

Thanks for your help though.

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