Data Realms Fan Forums

AEON Technologies WIP/etc.
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Author:  Arcalane [ Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Since I don't intend for AEON Tech to really be more than a minor mod, I thought I'd throw up a quick thread here to demonstrate some stuff I'm experimenting with, rather than ask for it to be made into its own thread.

New Jotun trail effect;

Video version;

The slowdown was from recording. Normally it's fairly smooth.

What do you guys think? :grin:

Author:  Foa [ Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

It's fine, but what are your further plans.

Author:  Arcalane [ Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Maybe add a couple more weapons? I doubt it'll turn into a full-fledged faction/tech or anything.

R5 is now up in the minor mod dump. FX tweaks and some minor fixes.

Author:  Foa [ Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

With some consideration, you could mess with the scripts from pelbox's animated mortar with the cool radial dispersion, and tack that onto the Magrail Auto GL. [But that would be a minor feature]

I have an idea for a novelty item, though.
It's either a grav field, or a point defense field, since it deals with large amounts of electricity eitherway.
Anyways, pretty much deflects bullets from the target, simply by either projecting an outward force [burst or constant] from its center, or an inward force [burst or constant] from the center.


It could be a fancy directional force field [burst or constant] that is oriented by a tinker tool, maybe it could be a fancy sort of mine system.
[With a utility use of rocket jumping, I guess]

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Hmm. I'd rather keep the Jotun as an impact-only system, though. Given its current design/behaviour, indirect fire isn't something it'll ever be good at.

As for other stuff, keep in mind I'm not much of a scripter. I just ask Cave to do stuff and he gets it done for me 'cause he's a strangely generous person or something. :???:

That said, it did give me the idea for some form of deployable energy barrier that the deploying team could shoot through. That would be pretty handy. Not sure how I'd go about doing that though.

Also, put up R6. I fixed some stuff with the Jotun's gibs inheriting velocities; that occasionally lead to crazy/inconsistent explosions, which in turn could occasionally harm (or kill!) the wielder from invisible particles bouncing back at them. But that's all fixed now. I hope.

Author:  Foa [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

It could check for the team that the particle/munition is associated with, and compare it to the team that the field has.
After that I guess you could do many things, save the vector of the enemy munitions, and deflect it either with a slowing force, or and in/outward force from the center.

When it came to radial dispersion with the Jotum, I meant, a radially dispersed set of particles about a pixel or so next to the target so we don't get bs reflected particle shotguns when shooting at ADoors.
If you have an issue of having perfectly circular blasts, then you could probably add a percentage of the munition's vel vector to the discharged particles.

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

But inheriting part of the vector is, as far as I know, the cause of reflected 'shotgun blast' behaviour; despite everything, there's still a split second where the projectile 'bounces' or has its angle/velocity changed no matter its material settings and how easily it gibs. R5 tweaked all gibs for the Jotun rounds to make them InheritsVel = 0 which seems to have partially fixed the problem. I think.

Fun fact; The original designs of the RSR actually had it shooting explosive rounds, but I scrapped this in favour of being able to punch through intervening obstacles and multiple actors.

Author:  Foa [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Just putting it out there, but when I was into powder sim games, I saw a unique element, or powder in one, or a few of them.

The Spline bomb: to put it lightly, whenever this red powder hit anything, it generated a spline that curved around to meet with other spline particles hitting something. It was amazing, to say the least.
I was wondering if you, or cave could do with a grenade, or rather shotgun that did such a thing.
Of course the shotgun would be limited range, or the grenade could be an extension of the Jotum.

It seems like a flak cannon, or area denial weapon. And hell hath no fury if someone sets it off in a particle accelerator.

Author:  p3lb0x [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

function Create(self)
   self.amount = 25; -- How many particles we create
   self.majoraxis = 2; -- How "long" the ellipse is
   self.minoraxis = 6; -- How "high" the ellipse is
   self.rotation = math.atan(self.Vel.Y/self.Vel.X);

   for i=1,self.amount,1 do

      if i > 0 then
         self.particle = CreateMOSParticle("Ellipse","HEPP.rte"); -- What particle we make. Could probably have put that at the top for easy change.
         self.particle.Pos = Vector(   self.Pos.X+self.majoraxis*math.cos((i/self.amount)*2*math.pi)*math.cos(self.rotation)-self.minoraxis*math.sin((i/self.amount)*2*math.pi)*math.sin(self.rotation),

         self.particle.Vel = Vector((self.particle.Pos.X-self.Pos.X)/2,(self.particle.Pos.Y-self.Pos.Y)/2); -- This is the velocity the particles get after being created. Right now it gives the particles a velocity away from the center that has a vector of half the distance

   self.ToDelete = true

I can see that you're still using the same settings I did for the ellipse effect. I added some comments to the code above if you want to change something.

Author:  weegee [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

There's an error in Ammo.ini, at line 367, a reference to W40K which obviously is always installed in your CC )))

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Foa wrote:
Just putting it out there, but when I was into powder sim games, I saw a unique element, or powder in one, or a few of them.

The Spline bomb: to put it lightly, whenever this red powder hit anything, it generated a spline that curved around to meet with other spline particles hitting something. It was amazing, to say the least.
I was wondering if you, or cave could do with a grenade, or rather shotgun that did such a thing.
Of course the shotgun would be limited range, or the grenade could be an extension of the Jotum.

It seems like a flak cannon, or area denial weapon. And hell hath no fury if someone sets it off in a particle accelerator.

Sounds... interesting, but very very situational. I've never been a huge fan of highly-situational weapons (just look at all the various ammo types I've added to the 40K recomp!) though. :???:


p3lb0x wrote:

I can see that you're still using the same settings I did for the ellipse effect. I added some comments to the code above if you want to change something.

Apart from tuning the effects themselves, I found the HEPP almost perfect for what I originally wanted. Good to know, though -- I might experiment with it some more.


weegee wrote:
There's an error in Ammo.ini, at line 367, a reference to W40K which obviously is always installed in your CC )))

Goddamn Null.bmp file again. :roll:

Author:  Foa [ Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

Trust me dude, it doesn't really seem situational, you are pretty much shooting a laser that curves around \n\ points in a shotgun/grenade spread. [The more points, generally the longer it lasts, unless you give it a max lifetime that it has to fit into]
Shooting constantly decelerating waypoints that are unaffected by gravity could fix the issue of the waypoints only hitting the floor, or you could give the waypoints are proximity trigger, or simply make it a grenade.

Author:  Arcalane [ Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AEON Technologies WIP/etc.

So looking back... such a grenade would, say, throw out a bunch of particles that then trace deadly beams or whatever to each other? The shotgun would shoot a sort of 'laser web' that tore through anything in its path?

Still sounds pretty situational, unless it had a decent duration.

Anyway, added a new weapon, the Guardian Pistol, which uses Pacifier rounds. Also some new SFX for reloading.

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