Data Realms Fan Forums

No Arms
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Author:  Galahir950 [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  No Arms

Somehow My two Mechs lost their arms and I cant get them back. I would just backtrack, but I had the unfortunate luck of accidentally bumping the Exit button in my notepad when I was trying to load Cortex Command. Beware, there is a code wall ahead.

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Arms

You're defining the actor's BGArm twice. :roll: Once with the foreground arm, and then replacing it with the background arm immediately after.

Author:  Galahir950 [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Arms

Arcalane wrote:
You're defining the actor's BGArm twice. :roll: Once with the foreground arm, and then replacing it with the background arm immediately after.

What do you mean? What group are you referring to?

Author:  Foa [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Arms

Galahir950 wrote:
Arcalane wrote:
You're defining the actor's BGArm twice. :roll: Once with the foreground arm, and then replacing it with the background arm immediately after.

What do you mean? What group are you referring to?

AddActor = Arm
Presetname = ARM \X\ FG
.. snip ..

AddActor = Arm
CopyOf = ARM \X\ FG
PresetName = ARM \X\ FG
.. Repeat for the BG ARM, the FG and BG Legs, and Feet

I don't know what to say, you are making a limb named \limb x\, and then immediately afterwards, making a copy of the limb \limb x\, naming it \limb x\.
I don't think the engine takes kindly at all to double entries.
It's also very messy code.

Anyways, he means this.

   BGArm = Arm
      CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Arm FG A
      ParentOffset = Vector
         X = -1
         Y = 0
   BGArm = Arm
      CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Arm BG A
      ParentOffset = Vector
         X = 7
         Y = 0

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Arms

Line 2,079;

BGArm = Arm
CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Arm FG A
ParentOffset = Vector
X = -2
Y = 5
BGArm = Arm
CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Arm BG A
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 4
Y = 5
FGLeg = Leg
CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Leg FG A
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 1
Y = 12
BGLeg = Leg
CopyOf = Ronin Soldier Leg BG A
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 4
Y = 12

Ed: Also probably what Foa said. I had issues with my laser sights defaulting to the standard range/colour values until I stuck a PresetName line into them that changed up the name of each emitter/detector particle.

On top of that, this file in general is an absolute mess, and I'd strongly recommend that you scrap all this legacy code and start over with fresh files and such. Keep the sounds and sprites and whatever, but... trying to maintain some old scrap code is just going to bring you more headaches in the long run.

Author:  Galahir950 [ Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Arms

Thank you, that fixed it. This just proves that I shouldn't work on this at 5 in the morning. Also, that code was a.) from about 3-5 years ago b.) from when I was inexpirenced.

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