Data Realms Fan Forums

Kuravian Surplus - v0.1
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Author:  Saven [ Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Kuravian Surplus - v0.1

The Kuravian (inhabitants of Kuravia) are hot-blooded, greedy and bellicist humans, serving an empire made of warmakers and rich lords. Back on their planet, they were the most powerful, however, the Red Winter, a war which consumed people and ressources, made them fall into poverty and anarchy.
Let me introduce you the Kuravian rifleman; Image
These are basically resprites of the Coalition Light Soldier (with some modifications in the code though), it's also my absolutely first mod.
Kuravian officer (just a rifleman with a fancy hat unique sprites for this guy) - About 35% completed
Kuravian weapons - Very likely
- Battle rifle - About 50% completed
- SMG - Likely
- Sniper Rifle - Likely
- Assault Rifle - Maybe
Kuravian Mobile Artillery ACrab - Unlikely but possible
Resprite of the Rifleman - Simply because he's looking like wearing blue pajamas
I do not recommend you to download this right now; it's very useless and ugly incomplete and needs a lot of work.

File comment: Right now, it contains just a badly sprited soldier.
RWK.rte.7z [5.88 KiB]
Downloaded 318 times

Author:  halo117 [ Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kuravian Surplus - v0.1

I like the sprites, but they kinda remind me of the death korps of kreig.

Author:  The.Parasite [ Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kuravian Surplus - v0.1

I like this mod so far, actor looks nice, could obviously use a little work, but looks good for a semi-placeholder. Is this just to be a basic mod or do you have plans for it in the long run? Maybe even just a similar looking but oppositley coloured nemesis faction would make me feel contempt, but obviously not anytime soon, as i understand these things take time
Good luck, like it so far :D

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