Data Realms Fan Forums

Other resources?
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Author:  Chiko [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Other resources?

Gold is like the only resource that gives money so far... Is there a way to create income from other things?

Like making a recycling digger which generates income from "digging" scrap metal and organic material from corpses?

I understand very little about this but the things I have noticed are:
-You can even get money from gold particles by stepping on them or shotting them with weapons other than diggers.
-The above point means there's no Gold Mining code or a string that allows a certain object to mine.
-You can make an object with gold colored particles in the MAT.bmp file to turn it mine-able.

And that's about it. Another thing I have been trying is to make certain particles to generate money by not changing their materials to gold. I don't really like the idea to change all the scrap materials into gold. It will probably need .lua files... I hate those weird files...

Author:  Foa [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Other resources?

It's not that you get money from shooting gold materials with guns, but if the gold mopixels touch a gun that someone is holding, then the gold goes to that person's team.

Gold is definitely hard coded, but that doesn't disallow you from having a script that detects x mopixels, or y terrain, delete it somehow, and then return z amount of resources, or ounces of gold.
I think there was the diggenator... part of the rock, or boulder theme modding contest which detects if an actor mines some amount of stone particles before spawning a flying boulder of doom.
Cavecricket's creeper vines in his latest mod compilation thread can spawn terrain, the vines, or simply detect, and delete them, if it's the anti-creeper vines.

Author:  Chiko [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Other resources?

I think I understand. And I found some threads related to this idea.

About gold particles:

And this one is about such script you mentioned. It turns particles from a certain mass range by deleting them and then creating gold particles:

I just need to understand how it works and try to apply it with what I'm trying to do.

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