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I don't get it.
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Author:  Chronometer [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  I don't get it.

RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Could not understand Preset type! Error happened in Biotech.rte/Devices/Weapons/LaserRevovler.ini at line 131!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

You can copy this message with Ctrl+C

The file exists and there isn't a typo, if I'm not corrected.

Edit: It's always the same bull♥♥♥♥. I'm getting sick of this.
EmptySound = Sound is being faulted for some reason...

#2 Edit: What the actual ♥♥♥♥. The -line- is seeming to be the problem. I've switched some code around for the HD fire arm and the same place keeps getting faulted.

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

This sounds like one of those "Cortex Command hates you" bugs.

Not much to do other than create an entirely new INI file and re-make everything. You don't want to simply copy and paste though, since it might be a case of encoding and you just transfer over the problem.

Author:  Azukki [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

Actually, when I've had this sort of problem in the past, the problem was IN the index.rte, or other indexing files (lists of includefile=s), but the error was delayed until partially through reading the files that the indexes included.

It may be worth a try to redo your indexing files from scratch, or at least look very, very closely in them to see if you've got spaces instead of tabs somewhere.

Author:  Chronometer [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
This sounds like one of those "Cortex Command hates you" bugs.

Not much to do other than create an entirely new INI file and re-make everything. You don't want to simply copy and paste though, since it might be a case of encoding and you just transfer over the problem.

It hates me a lot.
I did redo it.

And to azukki, no way.
Too much effort. I'm better off restarting it. Which I did. Thanks anyways.
Also: Does anyone know how to change the sprite for the bullet? I'm getting stuck.
(Yes. I have searched)

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

MOPixels can't have sprites, but MOSParticles can. Both have a one-pixel collision size.

Author:  Chronometer [ Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
MOPixels can't have sprites, but MOSParticles can. Both have a one-pixel collision size.

So am I going to have to change the MOPixel of the gun to an MOSParticle?

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.


Author:  Jackslancer [ Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't get it.

If youre using notepad, im unsure.

But double check it using notepadd ++, sometimes you have hidden dependencies on a line that shouldn't be (it'll be hollowed out | line)

you just back space that line completely and then rewrite it as the following line and then the line that you rewrote, well write that under it..g.

If you want I can take your old file and try fixing it and reupload it to see whats going on.

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