Re: How To Make An Actor A Brain/Toughness
Hellevator wrote:
I'm just generally wondering how does one go about making an existing actor a brain.
I'm also wondering how to make an actor's armor tougher/more resistant to damage.
AddToGroup = Brains
this should work as a general rule.
As for the second, this is done through materials, and then using them as such:
AddEffect = MOSRotating
PresetName = Dummy Rib Cage Gib A
Mass = 26.77
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 1
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Dummy.rte/Actors/Dummy/RibCageGibA.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -3
Y = -10
AngularVel = 6
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Wound Bone Entry
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Wound Bone Exit
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Civilian Stuff Resolution = 4
Depth = 0
DeepCheck = 0
GibImpulseLimit = 85
GibWoundLimit = 3
GibSound = Sound
CopyOf = Bone Crack