Data Realms Fan Forums

Adding a gun to a Dropship
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Author:  Cat_Fuzz [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Adding a gun to a Dropship

Tried searching, and couldn't find any topics, so was wondering if anyone has tried this yet? I am trying to get a gun mounted to the bottom of a dropship so that, obviously, awesomeness can ensue when dropping troops off in a hot LZ.

Any ideas? I've had a stab at it, however it would require (as far as I can tell) re-doing the pie menu for said dropship, and possibly a custom lua script.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship

Guns don't naturally attach to dropships like crabs, you have to do some trickery to get them good, using emitters or flying crabs and repositioning them as the actor moves - then you have to work with a control system. For more information, take a look at some examples by Abdul Alhazred, including the Experimental Dummy Vehicles and his gunship mod.

Author:  Bad Boy [ Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship

Of for a simpler (I think) method, take a look at how it's done in Unitec. Those guns aren't controllable though, so if you want controllable guns you'd have to take roast's advice.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship

Yeah of course you can abandon a control system and develop an AI for your guns to keep it simple.

Author:  Abdul Alhazred [ Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship

I wrote a very basic script like that (mouse or kb controlled gun) for somebody else a long time ago that you can have a look at. Anyone is of course welcome to do whatever they want with it, but remember that it is very basic so there is still a lot of work to make this in to something polished.

Gunship.lua [2.26 KiB]
Downloaded 347 times

Author:  alphagamer774 [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship


Author:  Cat_Fuzz [ Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding a gun to a Dropship

Cheers guys for the help, sorry I've been away recently so have only had a chance to have a shifty on here for some responses. The non-controllable turret option sounds best for what I'm making atm, so thanks for the tips. I'll have a go with these tomorrow at some point and let you know how it goes.

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