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Help need with Sprites showing up with white background
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Author:  Osalot [ Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Help need with Sprites showing up with white background

The problem I am having is every time I make a sprite or mod the vanilla sprites for my sniper rifle it always shows up in the game with a white rectangle background and off colors. I have used the correct palette of colors and no mater what I use be it MS paint,,or Gimp it comes out the same or different colors and yes I save it as .bmp as well I use the off pinkish color for the background and any see through bits but have had no luck getting it to work. Am I saving/exporting it with the incorrect setting? I also have looked through spiriting guides and the help tutorials for cortex command and I seem to be doing it correctly but if I am not please tell me what I am doing incorrectly. Any and all help is appreciated.

Here's the sprites and a pic of what it looks like in game with the issue

Sniper rifle sprite

In game pics
Image Image

Author:  cyclops0000 [ Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help need with Sprites showing up with white background

Using Microsoft Paint, open up palette.bmp (Base.rte/palette.bmp) and paste your sprite into there, over the picture in there, and save it as the sprite you want.

This should help, though the quality is quite bad

EDIT: Also make sure the colours of the sprite are inside the palette, ie colors supported by the game

Author:  Izak12 [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help need with Sprites showing up with white background

Osalot wrote:
The problem I am having is every time I make a sprite or mod the vanilla sprites for my sniper rifle it always shows up in the game with a white rectangle background and off colors. I have used the correct palette of colors and no mater what I use be it MS paint,,or Gimp it comes out the same or different colors and yes I save it as .bmp as well I use the off pinkish color for the background and any see through bits but have had no luck getting it to work. Am I saving/exporting it with the incorrect setting? I also have looked through spiriting guides and the help tutorials for cortex command and I seem to be doing it correctly but if I am not please tell me what I am doing incorrectly. Any and all help is appreciated.

Here's the sprites and a pic of what it looks like in game with the issue

Sniper rifle sprite

In game pics
Image Image

Your picture is out of pallete, regardless if you drew it in palette or not. Now, double check to make sure your image is in 8-bit depth. If it is, you need to convert the Image back into palette using Image---> Mode -----> RGB ------> Image -----> Mode -------> Indexed ------> Select the Palette again and save, that should do it. If it gives you any problems after that, re-open it in MSPaint and then simply save it again as a 256 color bmp. and that SHOULD fix it. Otherwise you did something wrong.

Author:  clunatic [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help need with Sprites showing up with white background

Note the newer versions of mspaint (windows 7 and up, I think) somehow screw up the palette, making it impossible to sprite with, so get your hands on a copy of mspaint xp. A quick google search should find you one.

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