Data Realms Fan Forums

Shielding Problem
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Author:  Mikromancer [ Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Shielding Problem

hello all,

I have been working on a planetside 2 faction mod (mostly for personal use, might release if it's good enough) and I'm having trouble with some LUA shields (original by cavecricket as stated in the code, sourced from the UNSC halo mod).

I had forgotten to remove references to the halo mod in the lua code and it was working perfectly, but when i changed the references to the files i'd copied directly into my mod (pending later replacements/resprites etc) and changed the variables it stopped working.

not sure what I did, I've gone over it to make sure I've not misspelled anything or changed anything, just cannot figure it out.

If anyone has time to peruse the code in the [shielding] folder and the [actors/soldier/soldier.ini] to help out i'd be most appreciative.

i'm including the mod, just remember it's a big work in progress, atm they are nothing more than coalition resprites.
apologies if it has bad references or anything, I'm not the most experienced modder here

Terrans.rte.rar [1.72 MiB]
Downloaded 208 times

Author:  Bad Boy [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shielding Problem

You're still referencing a file from UNSC.rte, namely the shieldflash file "Particle Terran Shield Hit Glow". That might be the problem or there may something I missed in scanning through it.
If that doesn't help you should post the error line from the console (open it by pressing ~ or /), it'd make it a lot easier to see if there are any other problems.

Author:  Mikromancer [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shielding Problem

thanks bad boy, I will check that out now

Edit again: I'm an idiot. bad boy is exactly right, also I had referenced the wrong freaking backup problem solved!

thanks muchly for your help again

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