Data Realms Fan Forums

Walk Path Creator / Editor
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Author:  AzerathAngelwolf [ Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Walk Path Creator / Editor

This is a little utility I made that creates walk paths visually so you don't have to try and create them via code. From what I've seen, people think they are confusing, and it's like pulling teeth to try to make a custom one.

Here's a video showcasing what it is made to do (so far!):
Video link.
I recommend watching this just to get an idea of how it works and what the in-game difference will look like.

Here are just a few basic features, in case you don't want to watch the video:
-Adjust the size of the leg to fit custom sprites
-Adjust amount of segments for longer path animations
-View code in real time as you edit
-Editor works frame by frame with ghosting so you can compare the current frame with previous/upcoming ones
-Save / Load walk paths so you can adjust them later
-Simple button to copy walk path text into clipboard when finished
-Button for playing back the animation so far

There are a few things that it DOESN'T do.
-Doesn't import walk paths from CC files (It may be able to in the future)
-Doesn't allow moving legs out of their physical reach (aka, can't stretch legs)
-Doesn't change walk speed for you

Download link.
I recommend reading the Read Me for more tips.

Just as a note, when you put your walk path in game, it tends to NOT stretch as far down as it looks in the editor. Right now, I'm basing the StartOffset relative to the leg's JointOffset, but I may be wrong to assume that. It's either that, or Cortex Command interprets the numbers a little differently. Let me know if I'm wrong.

If you find any bugs, or if any of the information I provide is incorrect, let me know and I'll fix it for a later release. I plan on adding other features to support visuals for Arm Paths and allowing leg-stretching as an optional toggle button. If you have any suggestions, let me know. :)

Forgive me if this is in the wrong section.

Editor.jpg [ 55.01 KiB | Viewed 3551 times ]

Author:  Data [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Walk Path Creator / Editor

Super rad - will play with this and get back with feedback soon

Author:  Raseri [ Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Walk Path Creator / Editor

Thank you so much for this program, it will help a lot to do walk path for non-standard units!
Great job!

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