Data Realms Fan Forums

Few questions about crabs and lua.
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Author:  Asmageddon [ Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Few questions about crabs and lua.

So, I'm making a giant jumping crab mecha and I ran into few problems

First off, I don't want to only have one object as a head, and in the end the construction I planned is somewhat complex and would require me to be able to gib the legs if a specific attachable is destroyed, which I don't know how to do.

Second is weapon problem for the mecha. I have two ideas - first is centered around making it completely a mining bot and giving it a powerful downward oriented digger (rotating with rest of the body ofc) and the second revolves around an automatically-targeting shotgun.

Third problem is whether it would be possible to make a cannon firing bolt that can pierce enemies and even bolt them to a wall or another unit (and how).

I don't know Lua and especially how to script CC, but I'm familiar with normally making actors and other mod content and like to consider myself a decent coder. I'd appreciate both ready-made scripts and some pointers in the right direction ^^

Btw, it'd be nice if anybody is interested in helping me make a couple of new (but balanced) races. I've made some module icons that look really nice and just thinking of throwing them away makes me cry. I also have tons of ideas and lots of free time and am right now working on making two CC mods (one with a new race and another with new scenes and bunker pieces)

Thank you for your assistance ^^

Author:  TylerAnon [ Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Few questions about crabs and lua.

Well you didnt have a reply, so even though i can answer your question, at least somebody responded to you(:
and good look! crab mech sounds awesome.

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