Data Realms Fan Forums

A gun that can't gib actors?
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Author:  Miggles [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  A gun that can't gib actors?

Is it possible? I find it silly how actors tend to explode when they die, when it should only really happen for explosions or large kinetic forces, etc.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A gun that can't gib actors?

If their health reaches zero before the wound/impulse limit is achieved, they will flop to their death.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A gun that can't gib actors?

I think he means bullets that will never gib people, it is kinda weird when you shoot someone once in the arm after they took a beating and it explodes.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A gun that can't gib actors?

Well what I was suggesting is bullets that, on contact with the actor, delete themselves and take some health off the actor. The wounds would look less pretty, but you can have the bullet gib into some blood instead.

Author:  Azukki [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A gun that can't gib actors?

But then you'd get robots and skeletons that bleed, unless you had several fake wound effects and determined which to use for a specific target.

If it's a powerful weapon, you could make one real wound, detect the damage dealt, and then multiply that damage. It would still have the potential to gib, but it would gib stuff a lot less often, and lead to them flopping over dead a lot more.
I tried the opposite of this, once, making low-damage bullets. It was mostly functionally successful IIRC, but since gibwoundlimit is what it's really all about, this was useless.
If anyone wants to use those scripts to make extra-damage wounds, the files are still in shadow echelon, in the "Defender" folder. Look at WeakWounding.lua, WeakWounding2.lua, and Defender.ini.
Defender.lua can be ignored, that only served to make standard SE gimmicks work, with outdated methods, it's not a part of the wound alteration.

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