Data Realms Fan Forums

Is there a easier way to do this?
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Author:  drentrix [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Is there a easier way to do this?

So I've been a forums lurker for the past few... years, and after the last build, I noticed that one of the new "innovations" was the ability to shoot through allies. Anyways, one of my old favorite "gameplay modes", was to put a bunch of actors around a map, and play sandbox with them, at my own pace. Obviously, not being able to shoot my own players pretty much doesn't let me do this.

(Basically, I would set up a little base full of actors and "infiltrate" my own base with superactors or such and make up little stories in my head, like a literal sandbox.)

So I've heard that there's a new code to activate this in actors, and I've recently forgotten it. But regardless of what it is, is it possible to "bulk-deactivate" this feature from the game? It would be prrreettyyy ace if I could. :wink:

(Could someone at the very least tell me the code so that I could manually do it?)

Author:  The Chairman [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a easier way to do this?

What you're looking for is the IgnoresTeamHits attribute of MOs, you'd have to set that to False (0).
This piece of code should work, though I haven't tested it:
function Update(self)
            for i = 1, MovableMan:GetMOIDCount()-1 do
                        local mo = ToMovableObject(MovableMan:GetMOFromID(i));
                                    mo.IgnoresTeamHits = 0;

What it does is that when it is attached to an MO it enables friendly fire for every MO on the scene.

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