I am trying to learn how to setup and assign custom made materials to tools and weapons. I already searched for an answer and found non. Sorry if this has been answered already, I've just started modding CC.
Is it possible to make a Materials.ini outside the Base.rte with my custom materials? "Cortex Command/Test.rte/Materials.ini"
Thanks, Maddix
Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:25 am
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Createing and Using Custom Materials
It sure is! Make sure your materials have a unique Index number (to be on the safe side) and go crazy. Just look at the comments at the top of Materials.ini to get an idea of what does what.
Just load it up in your mod like any other .ini file. I don't think you even need to name it "Materials.ini", but you probably should so you can find your custom materials easily.
Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:40 am
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:41 pm Posts: 7
Re: Createing and Using Custom Materials
Thanks for the quick reply!
So how would I go about applying the custom material? For weapons and tools I have to create a Round and Tracer function, right?
Last edited by Maddix on Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:53 am
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Createing and Using Custom Materials
Yup. You define the metal used in the bullet/magazine/gun/tool/actor's Atom/AtomGroup/DeepGroup, like so;
AddEffect = MOPixel PresetName = Bullet Coalition MG Mass = 0.11 AirResistance = 0.02 AirThreshold = 60 LifeTime = 800 Sharpness = 28 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 210 G = 198 B = 178 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal TrailColor = Color R = 210 G = 198 B = 178 TrailLength = 32
Just replace "Bullet Metal" with your material's name. Pretty simple, just use your eyes!
You don't have to define and use a Tracer, though -- those are purely optional.
Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:05 am
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:41 pm Posts: 7
Re: Createing and Using Custom Materials
Thanks again!
I asked the last question to make sure. :] I'm working on a better concrete sprayer and I've hit a wall. I've set everything up just the way the normal concrete gun works. Except I've copied the Rounds from Base.rte/Ammo.ini and put them inside my edited concrete class. Also I made sure to use my custom material for it. (And of course I made sure to change the names.) The problem is, the concrete isn't staying. It fires normally except the concrete evaporates after it hits the ground. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Here is the code. "test.rte/Devices/Tools/Concret.ini"
Inside Concrete.ini:
AddAmmo - Rounds
AddAmmo = Round PresetName = Round Slow-dry Concrete Spray Light ParticleCount = 4 Particle = MOPixel PresetName = Particle Concrete Light Mass = 0.1 RestThreshold = 500 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 143 G = 143 B = 143 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Slow-dry Concrete TrailColor = Color R = 143 G = 143 B = 143 TrailLength = 3 Shell = None FireVelocity = 11 ShellVelocity = 0 Separation = 8
AddAmmo = Round PresetName = Round Slow-dry Concrete Spray Dark ParticleCount = 4 Particle = MOPixel PresetName = Particle Concrete Dark Mass = 0.1 RestThreshold = 500 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 115 G = 115 B = 115 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Slow-dry Concrete TrailColor = Color R = 115 G = 115 B = 115 TrailLength = 3 Shell = None FireVelocity = 11 ShellVelocity = 0 Separation = 8
AddAmmo - Magazine
AddAmmo = Magazine PresetName = Magazine Concrete Sprayer Mass = 10 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = max.rte/Devices/Sprites/MagazineConcreteA.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -2 Y = -4 ParentOffset = Vector X = 2 Y = 3 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal Resolution = 2 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal Resolution = 3 Depth = 1 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 200 JointStiffness = 1 JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = -3 DrawAfterParent = 0 RoundCount = 5000 RTTRatio = 2 RegularRound = Round CopyOf = Round Slow-dry Concrete Spray Light TracerRound = Round CopyOf = Round Slow-dry Concrete Spray Dark
I believe the code is breaking down at the function "AddAmmo - Rounds".
Fixed! For some reason the game got confused when I put the "AddAmmo = Rounds" Inside the same file as the weapon. So I made a Ammo.ini and put it in there.
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Createing and Using Custom Materials
That shouldn't have been the issue, but I've never worked with concrete sprayers before to be honest.
The following .ini should cover any other questions you have regarding making guns, anyway. I forget who made it, but it's very handy if you're just starting out and aren't sure what everything means;
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