Data Realms Fan Forums

Attaching lua script to an HDFirearm
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Author:  HoneyFox [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Attaching lua script to an HDFirearm

I'm trying to attach a lua script file to a gun (HDFirearm).
But in game it just didn't work. game version is B23 i think.

I even added
print("Weapon created.");

into the function of Create(self), but when i bought a bot with that weapon and it arrived safely to the ground, nothing displayed in the console. the script of the gun didn't start at all.
Then i look for other guns' ini files and i found that there's not any HDFirearm that is attached with lua. Most lua scripts are attached to some particles/emitters generated when the gun fires.
However, i want my script running not only when it is being fired but at any time. What can i do? Is it because the game version is too old?

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Attaching lua script to an HDFirearm

Yeah, your version may be too old. Scripts only work properly when they're on attachables in builds 25 and 26 if I recall correctly.

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