-The Warring Empires- (Definite WIP)
I plan to start work on a small mod titled what you see above the thread.
As a visual person, I rely on sketches and whatnot, so forgive me if my art makes your eyes bleed.
Oh, spriters and coders are definitely wanted.
It's basically two factions named hereafter as...
The KRALAS EMPIREReptilicus Info: 7 Foot tall "True neutral" saurian race. Prefer peaceful options instead of bloodshed, but will fight when needed. These guys are as tough as steel walls and take quite a lot of punishment to go under. They use Iridium-made weapons.
Kralas Empire: Communist-like "Lawful Chaotic" emperorship. Strives on monies, technology, and overall military power. Employs few unit types as the basic trooper can handle almost any situation. Extremely wealthy and known for their MALR (Multi-Ammunition Loading Rifle).
Weapon Descriptions=REPTILICUS=
SSW-7B - Single Shot Weapon. Used for emergencies or just plain CQC. Uses Iridium fletchettes/buckshot pellets.
Basilisk SideArm -Semi-auto and burst fire light pistol. Good for a pinch.
C.L.A.W. - Carbine/Light Assault Weapon. Carbine and AR mix. Semi-auto to full auto. Quite accurate but slow fire rate.
C.O.G. - Close Offensives Gun. Fully automatic Shotgun. Can only chamber three rounds due to shell size.
The "Monitor" Venom Rifle - Reptilicus signature weapon. Fires darts coated with Xanthei, a highly lethal poison found on plants on Caesora (Reptilicus Controlled planet?). Can fire explosive globs of it too. Like Napalm.
RazorFang (Almost called the RazorBack) War Shield with obligatory Talon SMG - Imagine a giant portable ram and a heavy variant of the Basilisk.
S.I.R-10c - Standard Issue Rifle. Can use AP and HollowPoint rounds. Quite effective for it's RoF and accuracy.
SAR-11 - Squad Automatic Rifle. Standard issue after the MALR went obsolete. High RoF but low accuracy. Can hold 25 rounds.
MALR-M1 - Multi-Ammunition Loader Rifle. Now obsolete weapon that can sometimes be seen on the battlefield. Can use a multitude of round types like HE, Incendiary, EMP, AP, and even acid.
LAR.4KA (Pronounced LARKAFOUR) - Prototype laser weapon. Fires a red beam that can phase through enemies and hit the other poor bastard behind him/her. Medium range.
S.A.M.G. - Squad Automatic Machine Gun. Heavy MG that is best used prone. Can be deployed(?) when prone or near a barricade.
Raptor Revolver - 6-shooter that can tear an arm off at close range. Very slow RoF as the user must regain strength from the kickback.
"Saviour" Medi-Syringe -One time use Emergency Medical Pharmaceutical. Heals about 20 points of HP. Can't stop bleeding unelss charged.
Warrior Blade - STAB STAB STAB.
So, Ideas, questions, suggestions, whatnot are appreciated as this thread will be updated over the course of these days.