Data Realms Fan Forums

Modern Warfare Mod? modders needed!!!
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Author:  zaitsev [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Modern Warfare Mod? modders needed!!!

Now, before people start yelling "GTFO N00B!" I am not talking about the game... I am basically saying that would people be interested in making a mod that includes the USMC, BEF (England army or whatever) and their weapons... I'll happily do the spriting, but thats about as far as my expertise goes I'm afraid :???: so, if anyone would like to help me, I'd gladly accept the help, scripting + coding etc, I'd like to make this dream come to life :)

Author:  Naxete [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Modern Warfare Mod? modders needed!!!

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