Data Realms Fan Forums

Bean Bag ammo
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Author:  SnowMonster20 [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Bean Bag ammo

So I'm not a Lua master and was wondering if it would be possible to make bean bag ammo?

It would knock the actor prone for oh say 10 - 20 seconds and they wouldn't be able to get up or shoot or anything

As far as stun ammo all I've seen is the shock - makes em spaz out - stuff.

I can think of an .ini way to do it where the bullet has no mass but high velocity and is a TDExplosive or MOSRotating i think. Well when I discovered it I was using a TDExposive. It used to knock actors around in older builds without always hurting or dismembering them. Not quite what I would like to do though.

Author:  Azukki [ Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bean Bag ammo

Yeah, it's entirely possible to get those effects.
Wow, I've never had a script work so well [read: at all] on the first try!
Apply this script to a HitsMOs = 0 bullet sort of object, with a lifetime as long as you want the stun effect to last. Obviously this isn't aesthetically perfect, you probably want them on their back and unable to aim, but it's functional.

Bah, crashes the game if they settle into terrain due to death while stunned. fixed

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