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Troubled with the ini codes
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Author:  alexglitch [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Troubled with the ini codes

Here's the story: Currently I'm making a new HEAT type ammo in B25 (Since the incendiary bugs of the old HEAT ammo has been fixed, which turns the good ol' reliable HEAT launcher into a HE launcher, which bugs me :P ) by firing a bullet which explodes when impacted, releasing another "core" that can penetrates steel and concrete and everything else. Now here's when wierd stuff happens: the "core" always penetrate correctly when fired straight, but when fired at an angle, the "core" will always deflect, sometimes with devastating results (like blowing the head off 6 consecutive Coalition Heavies when I were aiming 1 floor above them), even when I was aiming at the dirt. I've changed the weight of the "core", the initial velocity, and the sharpness, but the frikkin' core still denies to blast through steel. That's why I'm giving you guys the codes and stuffs so you can help me figure this out. Thanks.

In short: I'm trying to make stuffs and bugs happen, so I need help from a pro coder. if a 500kg flying bullet can't blast through a thin strip of steel, something's definitely wrong. :???:

RifledArms.rte.rar [6.4 KiB]
Downloaded 134 times

Author:  Pantera1993 [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Troubled with the ini codes

All you have to do is add "InheritsVel = 1" to the Cores gib code. It should look like this:

   AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = AEmitter
         CopyOf = 50Cal Core
      Count = 1
      Spread = 0
      MaxVelocity = 100
      MinVelocity = 100
      LifeVariation = 1
      InheritsVel = 1

Notice the InhertisVel = 1 was added at the last line.

InheritsVel = 1 makes the gibbed particle inherit the velocity of the parent, so if the bullet is flying in a certain direction, the gib will go in that direction.

Author:  alexglitch [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Troubled with the ini codes

Hmn... I tried that, but when I point the rifle at the ground or the ceiling, the bullet still deflects to the right of the map. I will make a GIF to demonstrate that soon.

Author:  Abdul Alhazred [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Troubled with the ini codes

Mehman's tutorial on: How to make shaped charges/directional gibbing

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