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Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.
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Author:  Alobomb [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Okay, so I am currently trying to create a gun to mess around with .ini files. I have made the .rte and index.ini and filled those out. I also have the folder "ShotGuns" and in it "AloGun.ini" and the sprite. Now for the index file I pointed it like thise
IncludeFile = Alobomb.rte/Shotguns/AloGun.ini
yet when I launch the game it says this
Failed to load Datafile Object with following path and name

Any ideas?

Also if this is in the wrong section please move, but I think it's right.

Author:  Grif [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Capitalization. Make sure that any variable names or file directory references agree in every detail; spelling, capitalization and spacing all count.

Author:  Themanaic [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

i hate to say this but did you put a tab before your IncludeFile = etc.? in your index?
that also really matters

Author:  Alobomb [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Okay thanks, for a second I though that fixed it, but to no avail. I am now getting the same error except Test.rte/AloShot000 cannot be found.
I do not have anything in it named AloShot000, any ideas?

Author:  Shook [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Sounds like a case of FrameCount being higher than 1. If it is, the game will go looking for <name>000.bmp, <name>001.bmp and so forth. Setting it to 1 will probably fix that error. The variable should be chilling out just below SpriteFile and such.

Author:  Alobomb [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Very well, thanks. (And love your mod!)

Author:  Alobomb [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Wooo Double Post.

But anyway I set the framecount to 1 and saved but it's still not working, are there any other possibilitys?

Author:  Shook [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Oh yes, just noticed something. In the OP, you refer to Alobomb.rte. In the recent error, it's referring to a Test.rte. Perhaps the two should be the same? (Also, thanks!)

Author:  Alobomb [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about a crash when trying to use a gun I made.

Ah, sorry I forgot to mention I've made a new .rte, don't worry about it.

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