Data Realms Fan Forums

Crab Mother. Aw yeah.
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Author:  PX85 [ Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Crab Mother. Aw yeah.


I didn't know where else to post this. It's not a question, nor is it a mod.

I was playing the Exploration mission, and saw that GIANT ENEMY CRAB. I thought, 'Why not make it USABLE!?'
I'm aware that most people on here know how to do this. But for those who do NOT...

Open up your Cortex Command folder (C: > program files > data realms > cortex command. :p)
Open "Wildlife.rte", then "Wildlife.ini"
Find "PresetName = Mega Crab" The easiest way to do this is to press Ctrl+F, and type in "Mega Crab".
Find "Buyable = 0", and change it to "Buyable = 1"

That will make the MEGA CRAB available for purchase. ^^

But there's moar. (note: This effects the crab in the mission as well, don't totally overpower it... >:o)

Find "HUDVisible = 0", change it to "HUDVisible = 1". Now you'll be able to see it's health.

The player-controlled crab is unable to jump, sadly. FIX THAT.

// Jetpack = AEmitter
// CopyOf = Jump Light
// PresetName = Jump Light Extra
// BurstSize = 30
// ParentOffset = Vector
// X = 0
// Y = 0
// DrawAfterParent = 0
// JumpTime = 1

Delete the // before all of those, except for the top one that says "experimental feature."

The crab can now be used. It's essentially the same thing as a normal crab, except it's MASSIVE and can JUMP. Feel free to change the gold value to a lower price. The default is 200. ;p

(You can also make the Jumper available for purchase, changing "buyable = 0" to "Buyable = 1"

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