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I need help with modding issue.
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Author:  Thriller [ Sun May 29, 2011 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  I need help with modding issue.

Alrighty then folks, I have a slight malfunction when it comes to making mods so, after learning off the wiki and everyone else, I tried it myself. And failed.

So now I ask the community, the experts, to see what I did wrong and maybe help show me so I do not make the same mistake

GK-34.rte.rar [1.63 KiB]
Downloaded 172 times

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Sun May 29, 2011 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need help with modding issue.

Ah, you seem to have a bit of a problem with file-paths and ordering.

Firstly off: The index.
You were referencing the folder, you have to directly reference each file that you need.
   ModuleName = Thiller's Threating Weapon Pack
   IncludeFile = GK-34.rte/GK-34.ini

This one includes the .ini file rather than the folder.

Secondly; things in CC will be read from top to bottom, in the GK-34 file, you have the magazine inside the weapon code. This can be achieved, but only with a grasp of proper tabbing order.

What we need to do is remove the bullet, muzzle flash, and magazine, and have them up top, above the gun code.
AddEffect = Attachable
   InstanceName = Muzzle Flash SMGs

AddAmmo = MOPixel
   InstanceName = Particle SMG

AddAmmo = Magazine
   InstanceName = Magazine SMG

AddDevice = HDFirearm
   InstanceName = GD-34

Now we have them in the order that they will be read. The muzzle flash can be removed entirely, as it already exists. We can reference the Base.rte one as it already exists.

The next thing is, once again, filepaths.
   SpriteFile = ContentFile      \ /
      FilePath = GD-34.rte       / \

   SpriteFile = ContentFile              /
      FilePath = GD-34.rte/GK-34.bmp   \/

We have to reference the actual file rather than the folder.

FrameCount refers to the number of frames in a sprite, used for animations, etc. We only have one sprite, so
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = GD-34.rte/GK-34.bmp
   FrameCount = 1

Up to the AtomGroup, the errors are just spelling. The Atom and DeppGroups are tabbed wrongly, don't hesitate to copy code from vanilla content.

Also, remember to use the things you defined above;
   Magazine = Magazine
      CopyOf = Magazine SMG - rather than Magazine M16
      ParentOffset = Vector
         X = -2
         Y = 1

It now works in-game but it is out of palette.
Grif wrote:
Your sprites aren't in palette. That's, uh, that's it, the whole problem, right there.

Copy them out of your file, repaste over Palette.bmp (Base.rte/Palette.bmp) and re-save as your file.

And in closing, a useful link.

Also; the edited and working [?] code:

Author:  Thriller [ Sun May 29, 2011 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I need help with modding issue.

Thanks for all the help Kettenkrad, really.

Also this was another issue I found:
SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = GD-34.rte/

It was misspelled GD instead of GK.

Wait- how do i specifiy this
IncludeFile = GK-34.rte

Such as tell that it is in a file

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Mon May 30, 2011 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need help with modding issue.

No prob.

Im not sure I understand that last question..

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