Data Realms Fan Forums

more blood
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Author:  nawhle [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  more blood

i have been trying to make my characters in particular spray extra blood whenever shot or gib'ed, i also made the blood a lighter color just for my characters by defining my own blood paricles and applying that to where ever any blood gibs are. the problem is i cant figure out how to change the color/amount from a non lethal gunshot wound. how can i go about this?

ill include my character file. the character was originally just a re-sprited browncoat heavy so there are still some gibs and such labled brown coat, and i know there are a ton of head gibs i turned it into a shrapnel bomb.

SoldierB.ini [20.24 KiB]
Downloaded 182 times

Author:  Mehman [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: more blood

You must make your own wounds, to do that open the file called Wounds.ini located in Base.rte/Effects/Wounds, then look at how wounds(AEmitters) are made and make your owns in your ini, and replace the "Wound Flesh Body" of your actor (and of his legs, head and arms) by the name you gave to your custom wound. Of course the wound must be defined before anything using it(the actor and his limbs) and after everything it uses(your custom blood particles).

Author:  maart3n [ Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: more blood

The best way to do this would either be copying the code from wounds.ini or using CopyOf and changing around some variables.

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