Data Realms Fan Forums

Force guns Mini-Faction
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Author:  Dylanhutch [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Force guns Mini-Faction

I've been working on this mod for a few days and this is what I came up with.
Force based assault rifle:
Force based Shotgun:
Force based pistol:
(There is also a grenade.)

File comment: V0.01
ForceV0.01.7z [1.52 MiB]
Downloaded 189 times

File comment: V0.00



Force.rte.7z [1.52 MiB]
Downloaded 176 times

Please post the most blunt(pun intended)criticism you can. If it's ♥♥♥♥, tell me.
So in other words, try it, tell me what you want me to fix/change/add to the mod before I release it.

Author:  111herbert111 [ Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Force guns Mini-Faction

Well it's cool in theory, but the weapons push the actor around to much and the sprites are blaagghhh!

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Force guns Mini-Faction

111herbert111 wrote:
Well it's cool in theory, but the weapons push the actor around to much and the sprites are blaagghhh!

When you answer a thread in mod making, you should include these things:

What I should change.
Because of what?

What you think of the idea and progress of the mod.

You included two of those.

I fixed the sprites as much as I can, and made the bullets have less recoil.
I also fixed the module icon.

Author:  111herbert111 [ Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Force guns Mini-Faction

Sorry for not being very helpful, I haven't been feeling good lately.

Ok, the weapons are unique in how they will bounce of enemy and do nothing sometimes but other times they will completely obliterate the enemies,
The sprites need work, the look a little to thin and could use some outlines just to make them more defined. I personally think you should get rid of weapon casings, they don't really fit the style of the weapons IMO.
I'm not gonna harass you about the module icon cause I couldn't care less about them.

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Force guns Mini-Faction

On the first of march this year, I will release this, finished or not.If I remember.
That's "1/03/2011"

Thanks for you opinion, '111herbert111'.

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