Data Realms Fan Forums

Help with categories and logo
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Author:  Pyromaniac605 [ Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Help with categories and logo

Before I get to the problem, I just want to quickly say that I used to play CC back in b18 and used to have an account on the forums, rendered unrecoverable due to needing to remember the email (no problem) and the username (I haven't know what it was for years) so having to make a new email account just to register was incredibly annoying.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand, I am making a new mod, at the moment just a weapon, but I hope to make it an entire faction eventually, but I can't seem to make the weapon appear where I want it I want it to appear in Weapons > [Faction Name] so in the weapons .ini file I have:
   AddToGroup = Weapons
   AddToGroup = [Faction Name]

But it instead only appears under [Faction Name] in the initial menu, making it unobtainable unless I spawn it at the beginning, why isn't it appearing under Weapons > [Faction Name]? (Note [Faction Name] is not the actual name of the faction :P)

Also I am having problems with my logo, I had a 30x30 pixel bmp as my logo, but in-game it appeared corrupt, but there is nothing wrong with my file, so I resized it to 20x20 (Attached), still no luck, can anyone help with that?

Edit: I fixed the logo, still need help with the categories though.

File comment: Logo
Logo.bmp [1.22 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Author:  carriontrooper [ Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with categories and logo

Well, in-game buymenus are divided according to type first (bodies, crafts, etc) then their specific mod name. So you'd need to put each faction in its own .rtes if you want it to be divided that way.

So, for example, you have a mymod.rte folder, in which resides a mod, its index.ini specifies it as TwoFactions. Then, in that mod, you have two weapons, let's say Weapon1 and Weapon2. You put Weapon1 in group Faction1 and Weapon2 in group Faction2. You'll see them in their separate groups during bunker building phase, but in-game buy phase you'll see them under TwoFactions.

Got that?

Author:  Pyromaniac605 [ Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with categories and logo

Thanks, but the problem seems to have fixed itself, just by making a grenade. :???:

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with categories and logo

Pyromaniac605 wrote:
Thanks, but the problem seems to have fixed itself, just by making a grenade. :???:

It's not unheard-of. I had this bomber that would only not crash if I removed it's description. Crazyness.

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